Youtubers Life 2

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Diventa lo youtuber più trendy del mondo e vivi il tuo sogno. Fai amicizia, affronta i rivali, partecipa agli eventi, gira e monta video e condividi tutto!!! Fama, fortuna e fan ti aspettano.


Qualcosa di nuovo ogni settimana!
Preparati a scoprire le novità e i miglioramenti di Youtubers Life 2 nella nostra serie di video settimanali sul canale YouTube ufficiale di Youtubers Life. E naturalmente, mettete "mi piace" e iscrivetevi!

Vi aspetta un modo tutto nuovo di giocare! Nuovi canali di social media, nuovi luoghi, nuovi contenuti, nuove opzioni personalizzabili, nuove funzioni, nuove missioni...
Restate sintonizzati per sapere quali contenuti funzionano meglio su ogni social network!

Diventa il trendsetter con i tuoi video!
Crea il tuo canale e decidi quali sono i contenuti migliori da trattare: videogiochi di tendenza, streaming improvvisati, recensioni professionali... O tutti! O tutti!

Raccogli le carte per creare i contenuti migliori e scegli la reazione più adatta per ogni video e situazione.
Registrate, modificate e pubblicate video di alta qualità per ottenere i primi abbonati e le prime visualizzazioni e guadagnare in poco tempo.

Fai crescere il tuo canale e incontra i tuoi fan!
Migliorate la vostra configurazione e individuate gli argomenti di tendenza per produrre video virali. Unisci le forze con potenti alleati, accedi a eventi VIP unici, svela esclusive mondiali ed espandi la tua presenza sui social media per continuare a salire!

Collabora con famosi creatori di contenuti!
Interagite con la comunità per fare nuove amicizie e sviluppare relazioni con loro. Trova la tua anima gemella sulla strada della fama. Incontra youtuber famosi e aiutali a ricevere nuovi oggetti, carte e abilità!

Personalizza tutto, dalla casa a te stesso!
Progetta ogni aspetto del tuo personaggio e della tua casa acquistando tutti i tipi di vestiti, oggetti, mobili, accessori e molto altro. Espandi il tuo appartamento ed esprimi al meglio te stesso con una personalizzazione più ampia che mai!

Youtubers Life 2 Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Youtubers Life 2 Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by RandomReview202 [user]
26 febbraio 2022

The game is littered with bugs. I was not even completed with my character creation and I already experienced my first bug where the gameThe game is littered with bugs. I was not even completed with my character creation and I already experienced my first bug where the game would not let you continue no matter what you do. And after a series of closing the game and restarting my console, I finally got through that bug only to encounter another bug not less than one minute after character creation. The next bug is when it was time to name your drone however the game suddenly doesn't know what to do next when you either randomize the name or try to enter a name.TL;DR: Just like its predecessor, it is full of bugs.

Review by PMG-Writer [user]
19 febbraio 2022

Thus, "Youtubers Life 2" has its weaknesses, of course, but can stand out with some strengths. Among other things, the humor and the goodThus, "Youtubers Life 2" has its weaknesses, of course, but can stand out with some strengths. Among other things, the humor and the good introduction to the game's subject matter. However, after a few hours the hype and also the fun of the game have reached their limits. Thus, the concept makes sense and fun for many players at the beginning, but the many repetitions just quickly lead to disillusionment. In addition, the sound sounds annoying again and again. Nevertheless, you can take a closer look at "Youtubers Life 2" for the moderate price, if you are into such games.

Review by NindieSpotlight [user]
17 dicembre 2021

While the original YouTubers Life was certainly novel there was just something about it that felt more one-dimensional to me overall so itWhile the original YouTubers Life was certainly novel there was just something about it that felt more one-dimensional to me overall so it didn’t quite click for me. With this second crack at what’s essentially a life sim mixed with trying to find success as a social media icon I think they found a better and more satisfying balance in things. One part learning the ropes of how best to manage your time and finances, and the other exploring how to start from nothing and leverage every trick and technique possible to get eyes on you and build a following it may be a bit repetitive in some of the tasks you’ll need to repeat quite a lot, but that doesn’t mean you can simply go through the motions and gain a following without learning some strategy and tricks of the trade. While some may want to play the game to get a taste of the lifestyle of a social media icon, if anything I found that it reinforced the things I would imagine would make it miserable after a while. Constantly trying to find ways to mine trends and maintain an appearance of being happy and affable must be truly exhausting and when trying to caption and hashtag my 50th or so post that really began to settle in. Still, this offers an experience that’s pretty unique so if you’ve ever had aspirations to being a social media star it will likely have more to offer you than yet another farming sim for sure.

Review by Dezrakaz [user]
16 novembre 2021

Youtubers Life 2 took the concept from the original and went nowhere but up with additional features, a bigger world, and a story as well. IYoutubers Life 2 took the concept from the original and went nowhere but up with additional features, a bigger world, and a story as well. I enjoy the game, it's super fun and I recommend the game at the release price.The game starts off confusing and a bit crowded but that confusion will soon leave as tags, events, and the world starts making more sense as you progress and unlock more. There are many things to do, you wont be able to do them all whether thats trying to find a mystery to solve, hunt down some hidden truths, or just grind out your Youtube channel.

Review by XboxAddict
8 novembre 2021

Aside from all the quest issues, I like the idea behind YouTubers Life 2. To me, it perceives itself as a fun and unique gaming experience, though feel like it’s not polished enough to where I’d spend a ton of time in it. While I've not played the first YouTuber’s Life, I think I’m going to find another place to live and move out of NewTube City.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 19 ottobre 2021
Editore Raiser Games, U-Play online
Contenuto recensito E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Indie, Simulatore, Strategia
Temi Sandbox
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS