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Un piccolo bambino cade nel Sottosuolo, dove i mostri sono stati a lungo banditi dagli umani e stanno cacciando ogni umano che trovano. Il giocatore controlla il bambino mentre cerca di tornare in superficie attraverso ambienti ostili, il tutto mentre si impegna con un sistema di combattimento a turni con elementi di puzzle-solving e bullet hell, così come altre meccaniche di gioco non convenzionali.


"Molto tempo fa, due razze regnavano pacificamente sulla Terra: UMANI e MOSTRI. Un giorno, una terribile guerra scoppiò tra le due razze. Dopo una lunga battaglia, gli umani furono vittoriosi. Sigillarono i mostri sottoterra con un incantesimo.

Nell'anno 201X, un piccolo bambino scala il monte Ebott. Si dice che chi scala la montagna non faccia più ritorno.

Cercando rifugio dal tempo piovoso, il bambino entra in una grotta e scopre un enorme buco.

Avvicinandosi per vedere meglio... il bambino ci cade dentro.

Ora inizia la nostra storia".

Undertale Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Undertale Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Blue9710x [user]
28 marzo 2022

Undertale was a joy of a game to beat. It has the charm of a game made by a single guy and expands on a genre of games I typically do notUndertale was a joy of a game to beat. It has the charm of a game made by a single guy and expands on a genre of games I typically do not enjoy, turn based rpgs. Although I find some parts of the game boring and not every joke lands Undertale is a game I had lots of fun playing and was a great refresher from all the darker games I normally play.

Review by Pertos178 [user]
15 marzo 2022

Honestly, this is one of my favorite games off all time. This game has done everything perfectly for its purpose. The story is heartwarming,Honestly, this is one of my favorite games off all time. This game has done everything perfectly for its purpose. The story is heartwarming, the characters are very well written and since it has a lot of endings, you can replay it and still have a great time!

Review by MajorMinusGT [user]
28 novembre 2021

Free of Spoilers!I bought this game after hearing some of the murmurs of its success back in 2015, and I took a chance and picked it up.Free of Spoilers!I bought this game after hearing some of the murmurs of its success back in 2015, and I took a chance and picked it up. Boy, did I have absolutely no idea what I was getting into. This is a 2D “bullet-hell” RPG created by one talented individual, Toby Fox. First off, the soundtrack is sheer perfection in this game. The seamless blend of multiple themes into single songs, the sweeping synths and hilarious oddities, Toby Fox has absolutely nailed the world-building music that still tears across the internet to this day. These characters immediately grab your attention never let go. The story is well-crafted, introspective, and one of the most memorable I have ever played. The combat is fun and challenging, and while it’s not my favorite, it gets the job done.What I can’t talk about here is what you need to experience for yourself, which is basically everything else. A must-play gem.Final Score: 9.5/10

Review by TheXboxHub
31 marzo 2021

From its charismatic characters and stupendous story to its meaningful gameplay and incredible soundtrack, Undertale on Xbox is a titanic accomplishment that not only ignores the ideas of what makes a video game, but redefines them.

Review by Xplocion [user]
30 marzo 2021

The good:Undertale came to Xbox. It is a turn-based RPG game with Bullet-Hell mechanics. The characters have a lot of charisma. Enemies withThe good:Undertale came to Xbox. It is a turn-based RPG game with Bullet-Hell mechanics. The characters have a lot of charisma. Enemies with a lot of charisma. The story is scattered across the map. Funny and humorous dialogues. Easy achievements (you can get the 1000G out of it without seeing all the content or all the possibilities). If you like chiptune, his songs are very catchy. The Temmies (and Bob) come out. The room "Canine Temple" is special for the Xbox version (in fact it clears the mess that occurred in that room in previous versions) you can decorate it with a console and a Kinect parody. (For now) It's on Xbox Game PassThe bad:The story "Speed ​​run" is very easy (Minus the final bosses). There is no way to save several games to go modifying and seeing the multiple possibilities, the game overwrites the file and there is no way to experiment unless you crash or start a new game. Easy achievements but ... it's 160G of achievements totally dependent on luck and randomness (one slot machine). Another 360G money donations you win on the slot machine that depends on previous achievements.Meh it!If yours is a ‘lot of text’, avoid it. If you hate pixelated graphics, avoid it. If you hate turn-based RPGs avoid it. If you don't like meta-references, puns, and simple jokes, avoid it. If you hate Bullet-Hell or ship games, avoid it. The ‘Fun value’ will now be totally random, there is no possibility of seeing some things unless you are very lucky. As it does not have a Windows interface, it is not possible to fiddle with the files to do certain things in the game or to see the secrets. Even after so many years it is still a meme factory

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 15 settembre 2015
Editore 8-4, temmie, tobyfox
Valutazioni Totali 91%
Contenuto recensito E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie, Strategia a turni (TBS)
Temi Horror, Dramma, Fantasia, Commedia
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch