The Last Federation

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Dai creatori di AI War: Fleet Command arriva un nuovissimo titolo di grande strategia con combattimento tattico a turni, ambientato in una profonda simulazione di un intero sistema solare e dei suoi miliardi di abitanti. Tu sei l'ultimo di una razza assassinata, determinato a unificare o distruggere gli altri 8.

Come ultimo Hydral rimasto, sta a te creare una federazione duratura di pianeti e inaugurare un'era di pace e prosperità nel sistema solare. Porta la tecnologia spaziale alle società sottosviluppate, manipola le loro economie, i sistemi politici e le relazioni diplomatiche. Fai tutto ciò che serve per porre fine alle lotte nel tuo sistema solare. Ricorda, quando aiuti le civiltà ad evolversi, a volte si evolvono più velocemente quando un grande mostro a più teste le fissa minacciosamente.

The Last Federation Istruzioni per l'attivazione

The Last Federation Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by ChoicestGames [user]
7 febbraio 2021

If you're looking for an indie sci-fi grand strategy title with turn-based tactical combat and interesting lore, The Last Federation seems toIf you're looking for an indie sci-fi grand strategy title with turn-based tactical combat and interesting lore, The Last Federation seems to achieve this but if you're a fan of 4X titles like Master of Orion and was hoping to have more control over how you take over the galaxy without any grind or a steep learning curve, you'll be disappointed.

Review by routier1642 [user]
2 novembre 2018

I'm sure there are some good ideas in this game, but I could not get past the folksy prose, amateurish feel, and awful combat system which wasI'm sure there are some good ideas in this game, but I could not get past the folksy prose, amateurish feel, and awful combat system which was by turns tedious and confusing. 2018 and it still seems underdeveloped.

Review by Dejakritz [user]
2 gennaio 2015

Just like AI wars, I was excited to try this game, but could not get 20 minutes in due to the fact the text on the interface and in allJust like AI wars, I was excited to try this game, but could not get 20 minutes in due to the fact the text on the interface and in all interactive windows is far too hard to read on 1950x1080 resolution. The game developers response to these complaints is always the same: we have no plans to fix this so change your resolution. I don't know about you but I'm in the over 90% of players that use an LCD monitor. Changing to a non-native resolution makes it blurry and in my case it also stretched the graphics out of aspect. Only consider this game if you are playing on a very old monitor or a laptop.

Review by steamvox [user]
14 dicembre 2014

needs major work stilljudging from ai fleet command they do still work on game after release thoughso hopefully all the issues with thisneeds major work stilljudging from ai fleet command they do still work on game after release thoughso hopefully all the issues with this will get ironed outbut not really playable atm

Review by CalmDownTom
24 giugno 2014

Although The Last Federation has a lot going for it, the fact that it forces you to make choices every three seconds in combat is its Achilles heel.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 18 aprile 2014
Editore Arcen Games
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Indie, Simulatore, Strategia, Strategia a turni (TBS)
Temi Fantascienza, 4X (esplorare, espandere, sfruttare e sterminare)
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac