South Park: The Stick of Truth

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Dai pericolosi campi di battaglia del parco giochi della quarta elementare, sorgerà un giovane eroe, destinato ad essere il salvatore di South Park. Dai creatori di South Park, Trey Parker e Matt Stone, arriva un'epica ricerca per diventare... cool. Vi presentiamo South Park™: Il Bastone della Verità™.Si inizia come il nuovo ragazzo in città che affronta una sfida straziante: farsi degli amici.

All'inizio della tua ricerca, i bambini di South Park sono coinvolti in un gioco di ruolo dal vivo che coinvolge tutta la città, lanciando incantesimi immaginari e brandendo spade finte. Nel corso del tempo il semplice gioco per bambini si trasforma in una battaglia tra il bene e il male che minaccia di consumare il mondo. Armati con le armi della leggenda per sconfiggere gli uomini granchio, gli gnomi in mutande, gli hippy e altre forze del male.

Scopri il bastone della verità perduto e guadagna il tuo posto al fianco di Stan, Kyle, Cartman e Kenny come loro nuovo amico. Se avrai successo, sarai il salvatore di South Park, cementando il tuo status sociale nella South Park Elementary. Fallisci, e sarai per sempre conosciuto... come un perdente.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Istruzioni per l'attivazione

South Park: The Stick of Truth Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Eebowai85 [user]
6 marzo 2021

This game gives off a great old school RPG feeling but is easy enough that non-RPG players can still finish it without too much of aThis game gives off a great old school RPG feeling but is easy enough that non-RPG players can still finish it without too much of a struggle. The humor is excellent and the feeling of being inside a South Park movie is incredible.It isn't a particularly long game but is fun and funny enough to replay periodically.

Review by Dperks [user]
12 dicembre 2020

As a South Park fan or at least someone who use to watch it a lot I can say that this game is a treat to any fan of the show. If you aren't aAs a South Park fan or at least someone who use to watch it a lot I can say that this game is a treat to any fan of the show. If you aren't a fan though than it's probably not for you as I don't think the game play is strong enough to captivate a non fan. That's not to say the gameplay is bad though as someone who finds turn base RPGs to be hit or miss this was fun enough but most of my enjoyment came from the humor and interacting with characters from the show as well as exploring the area of South Park. My only complaints on this game is that I thought the level cap was a little to low and much of the game felt kind of easy from my experience. I think this game is another testament to Obsidian entertainment and there ability to make good faithful RPGs on pre existing source material. It defiantly takes talent to make an RPG out of a show like South Park and to make it good so my full respect goes to the developers on this one.

Review by Rootthelucarien [user]
13 ottobre 2020

Ok i had it set to the lowest difficulty and i cant break my friend out of detention which is one of the mission i say **** it this is totalOk i had it set to the lowest difficulty and i cant break my friend out of detention which is one of the mission i say **** it this is total nonsense,i’m used to using the arrow keys,and with no way to change the key bindings it will be over in a year unless you are used to playing games with the wasd keys if you cant then don’t bother with this the jokes are funny and i have had a lot of enjoyment with this game but im still not going to recommend it to anyone who is new to computer games if you want to buy a good rpg game get yourself a nintendo console and buy a pokemon game it will probably provide a lot more enjoyment

Review by Fafer [user]
27 luglio 2020

As a South Park fun i really didnt enjoy the game. First of all - the humor was off for me, a lot of fart jokes, not to much of good ones (i really enjoyed Canada). Battles are very easy and repetitive. But the worst thing of all were the mini games. I could not finish the game becouse of them. They were poorly explained and frustrating. At the abortion minigame i got blew up several times on stage two, and when i figured out what to do i got stuck on phase 3 and uninstalled being tired gping throgh all rhe previous stages over and over. .

Review by PS-Nightm4r3z [user]
19 luglio 2020

This...was...amazing! It was literally like watching an episode of South park except you were playing it! The tongue in cheek humour and slyThis...was...amazing! It was literally like watching an episode of South park except you were playing it! The tongue in cheek humour and sly racist remarks and anti semitism although rude and may offend some was still funny to me as i am a very humorous person and find it very hard to be offended.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 3 marzo 2014
Editore Obsidian Entertainment, South Park Digital Studios
Contenuto recensito M (Mature)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona, Vista laterale
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Strategia
Temi Azione, Mondo aperto, Fantasia, Commedia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch