Sephirothic Stories

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Quando l'albero del mondo inizia a calare, cosa ne sarà dell'equilibrio del mondo? Scoprite la verità che si cela dietro il potere calante dell'albero del mondo in un gioco di ruolo fantasy! Naviga in sotterranei pieni di trappole usando solo la tua mente e il tuo ingegno per superare enigmi impegnativi!


Shendoah: un mondo protetto da Sephiroth. Tuttavia, poiché il potere dell'albero del mondo ha iniziato a diminuire, innumerevoli persone sono state sopraffatte da un torbido incombente che le ha trasformate in mostri. Ora, con il mondo sull'orlo della distruzione, un gruppo improbabile intraprende un'avventura con le proprie convinzioni...
Ma quale sconvolgente verità li attende alla fine del loro viaggio...?

Navigate in sotterranei pieni di trappole usando solo la vostra mente e il vostro ingegno per superare enigmi impegnativi! Utilizzate le abilità dei singoli personaggi per avanzare e scatenate potenti attacchi chiamati "fusioni" nelle battaglie a turni! Potenziamenti delle armi e numerose subquest sono disponibili per un ulteriore divertimento.

Sephirothic Stories Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Sephirothic Stories Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by TheXboxHub
2 aprile 2019

The cute style is appealing, the story is suitably bonkers, and the difficulty is set right for the younger gamer. It’s short, yes, and it isn’t overly challenging, but it is fun and worth a try. It’s not going to trouble the Final Fantasy experiences of this world, but for a quick diversion, you could do a lot worse.

Review by Xbox Tavern
16 marzo 2019

Sephirothic Stories is an outdated RPG, and a poorly developed one at that. The gameplay itself is far too basic, with very little innovation in place to give it any distinction or character throughout. I can say the same about its low-quality visual and audio design, which is further hindered by its constant asset recycling. Overall, and at best, this is nothing more than a substandard adventure that’s crammed with needless microtransactions.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
15 marzo 2019

In Sephirothic stories I found the gameplay to be solid overall, and an amount of variety present in both the puzzles and dungeons you canIn Sephirothic stories I found the gameplay to be solid overall, and an amount of variety present in both the puzzles and dungeons you can explore meant it stayed fun and refreshing. Kemco has been bringing out new games left and right, and all their attempts have been solid to say the least. Their newest game then that’s made its out this week is called Sephirothic Stories and I’m pleased to say that once again it’s another good experience that from Kemco. From the time you start start the game then you encounter the usual story that Kemco has brought a large number the my beloved Xbox console. The genre and whilst it would’ve been nice to have experienced something a little new I still enjoyed the story that was present in the game. In terms of the gameplay there is a decent amount of variety present in a number of areas and this meant exploring and tackling the decent puzzles always remained fun and interesting. Another aspect of the game that remained fun and interesting for the most part were the battle elements and the included depth within these elements allowed me to look past the lack of variety within the enemies you face during your time with the game. At the end of the day then Sephirothic Stories does more than enough to get a thumbs up from me because it features an easy to pick up and play style we've come to know from Kemco. Another superb game and the price of admission is well worth the story at hand.

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 14 marzo 2019
Editore Kemco, Exe-Create Inc.
Contenuto recensito E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie
Temi Fantasia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch