Sea of Solitude


Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Il secondo titolo della linea EA Originals, Sea of Solitude è un gioco d'avventura in cui gli umani si trasformano in mostri se si sentono troppo soli. Le acque davanti a te sono scure e non puoi vedere lontano, ma hai sempre una luce che ti guida. Sea of Solitude esce oggi: preparati a salpare con Kay, una giovane donna che si è trasformata in un mostro, mentre naviga in mari sconosciuti alla ricerca di un modo per tornare indietro. Incontra i mostri che riempiono questo strano mondo, scopri i segreti nascosti sotto le onde e scopri cosa significa essere umani.

Viaggia con Kay, una donna sola che si è trasformata in un mostro. Esplora un mondo in evoluzione dove niente è come sembra.

Parti per un'avventura intima e ricca di sfumature vissuta attraverso la mente di Kay mentre lotta per superare la sua solitudine interiore. Aiuta Kay a vedere sotto la superficie del suo cuore e guidala attraverso il suo mare di solitudine.

Mentre il suo viaggio si svolge, l'ambiente oscuro e tempestoso di Kay comincia a cambiare. I livelli dell'acqua si alzano e si abbassano, scoprendo nuove parti della città allagata e facendo emergere sfide uniche.

Durante il viaggio, risolverai enigmi, libererai il mondo dai ricordi contaminati e incontrerai una varietà di mostri adorabili e terrificanti, ognuno con le proprie lotte. Affronta questi mostri per saperne di più su di loro e su Kay, e scopri cosa significa essere umani.


Sea of Solitude ti porta in un viaggio personale sulla solitudine di una giovane donna. Salpa attraverso un mondo bellissimo e in evoluzione, dove niente è come sembra. Incontra creature e mostri fantastici, impara le loro storie e risolvi le sfide. Esplora una città allagata, in barca, a piedi o nuotando nell'acqua stessa. Osa guardare cosa c'è sotto la superficie, in un'ossessionante lotta tra buio e luce, e scopri cosa significa veramente essere umani.

Sea of Solitude Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Sea of Solitude Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Ekon [user]
9 aprile 2022

This is a beautiful and visually stunning game with imaginative and impressive settings from chapter to chapter. It is about the difficultThis is a beautiful and visually stunning game with imaginative and impressive settings from chapter to chapter. It is about the difficult relationships that a young girl has with kids at school, her parents, boyfriend and brother. She can't seem to find the right approach with any of them, which leads to depression and frustration. The object of the game is to help 'Kay' to better understand herself and others in order for her to regain her confidence and self esteem. Everyone in the game starts out as a 'monster', including Kay, and as the game progresses and Kay makes strides, all the characters regain their physical humanity and of course the last person who will do so is the star of the show.

Review by Tuniax [user]
28 aprile 2021

The game is a very nice adventure, which thematizes loneliness. Here and there there were unfortunately a few weaknesses in terms of gameplayThe game is a very nice adventure, which thematizes loneliness. Here and there there were unfortunately a few weaknesses in terms of gameplay and a few bugs, which is why I once had to restart the game from the checkpoint, but everything is only half as bad. On the whole, it tells an exciting story. Solid 7.

Review by DKurac [user]
12 aprile 2021

Very beautifully looking game with an incredible story amplified by great soundtrack. It is shorter game (about 3h) but if you are going toVery beautifully looking game with an incredible story amplified by great soundtrack. It is shorter game (about 3h) but if you are going to explore that nice world and collect bottles and seagulls, you canat least double that. Definitely a game to try in Game Pass.

Review by SuperkenGaming [user]
9 aprile 2021

Sea of SolitudeDon’t play this on the PS5I loved Sea of Solitude, this is a game that touches on depression, anxiety, and loss… you playSea of SolitudeDon’t play this on the PS5I loved Sea of Solitude, this is a game that touches on depression, anxiety, and loss… you play as Kay, shes a monster, in a sea of monsters that all represent somebody from her real life..And first things first… don’t play this on the playstation 5, its completely unplayable, that isn’t an exaggeration, this broken, 0/10 there… so I had to dust off the ole PS4 for this one… Sea of Solitude is a 3 hour long game that can be thrown onto the same family tree of like an ico game.. its that kind of feeling.. obviously nowhere near as complex, but I just found myself in a trance like state, following this light around, cleansing areas, defeating that sections boss, learning your lesson, and unlocking the next area… youre free to explore as much or as little as youd like, collecting pittles and shooing seguls.. but there isn’t much to explore as again this is a very tiny game, but it was a nice bite size.. It ended right on time.. not feeling too long or too short… this really was a nice story focused unique experience…I love these types of games that don’t hit you over the head with puzzles and fighting, youre just exploring, interacting with the things you gotta interact with, no searching, no stress… just getting lost in the world and enjoying the ride…Though admittedly some will find experiences like this to be lacking, I however love every once in a while just taking a break and going through a game like this that isn’t so game heavy..I nice pallet cleanser in between other stuff.I also found the story telling to be touching and thought provoking, so there is definitely some substance here.I give Sea of Solitudea 7/10

Review by ChrisHenares [user]
3 marzo 2021

I've played this game twice on differents platforms, and speak with people about it. The storytelling and the final message, for me, it didn'tI've played this game twice on differents platforms, and speak with people about it. The storytelling and the final message, for me, it didn't ring a bell (specially), but for many people it was VERY special because of the related family issues in a normal and modern relationship. I cannot identify very much with the game but I appreciate what they did, and it seems to be a very special way to tells a story. Overall, a great game with a good message and technically is not a top game, but it works perfectly without any horrible bug at all. Minor things that every other game has.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 5 luglio 2019
Editore Electronic Arts, Jo-Mei Games
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Indie
Temi Azione, Dramma, Fantasia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One