Reign of Bullets

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Reign of Bullets è uno sparatutto con un bottino epico e tante armi. Potenzia la tua nave e personalizza le tue armi per costruire l'aereo da combattimento definitivo.

Reign of Bullets Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Reign of Bullets Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by
1 settembre 2015

Reign of Bullets tries to have its own spin on the classic shoot 'em up genre. Unfortunately it does so by adding things that feel offensive to the genre, instead of actually making things fresh and new.

Review by Hooked Gamers
26 agosto 2015

If you’re looking for a game that’s going to engage you with fresh new gameplay mechanics or deep RPG style customization, Reign of Bullets is going to let you down.

Review by Sjalka [user]
23 agosto 2015

A good concept riddled with problems and weaknesses....The idea of generated loot, upgradable ship, weapon modding, weapon placement etc.A good concept riddled with problems and weaknesses....The idea of generated loot, upgradable ship, weapon modding, weapon placement etc. sounds good - but the artistic/stylistic execution is weak. Weapons are not balanced properly - and there are clearly weapons that are much much stronger than others.Then there are the enemies which are fairly low in variety - with only few of them being stage specific (4 stages). The placement and rotation of weapons on the ship turns out to be rather insignificant because 90% of the enemies appear from the front side - and the size of the player ship / models in general ... turns the visible playing field to be VERY small (for example - the playership is more than twice the size of the playership in Sine Mora (another side scroller) - which affects the playing-field detrimentally for Reign of Bullets)Increased difficulty or stages do not mean different enemy abilities or formations - but rather only more hitpoints. So the enemies become damage sponges and spend more time on screen - but other than that .... nothing changes very much. Due to the lack of new content in higher levels it is hard to justify to really keep on playing.What i disliked the most however is the Flash look of the game. It just looks cheap. While i value a good 2d (not 2.5d) shooter - this one is not it. The negative outweighs the positive ... BUT it is fun - for a little while.... for casual gamers (aka mobile gamers if i can use that stigma) - for anyone else it is too little, too ugly.

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 19 agosto 2015
Editore Critical Bit
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Generi Indie
Temi Azione
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac