Project Wingman

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Project Wingman è un gioco d'azione di combattimento in volo sviluppato in modo indipendente che uscirà su PC e che pone l'accento su un gameplay divertente e raffinato, su ispirazioni vere e proprie e su un'esperienza coinvolgente per giocatore singolo.

Perfetto per coloro che non sono alla ricerca di un'esperienza da simulatore con la facilità di prendere e giocare, fino a coloro che vogliono un gioco d'azione di volo veloce e impegnativo.

Project Wingman Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Project Wingman Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Vasot [user]
16 luglio 2022

It's a bit rough on the edges at first but with the necessary changes at settings this is an excellent Ace of Combat type of game with anIt's a bit rough on the edges at first but with the necessary changes at settings this is an excellent Ace of Combat type of game with an interesting post-apocalyptic campaign after an ecological disaster and a conquest mode. Overall a great work from an indie developer, hope they release a sequel in the future.

Review by 3t3rnal [user]
5 febbraio 2022

The game looks interesting, but for me, it simply does not work. When I try to start the campaign, and get to the plane selection before aThe game looks interesting, but for me, it simply does not work. When I try to start the campaign, and get to the plane selection before a mission, my cursor disappears, and the sensitivity skyrockets for some reason, and I just can't even get the mouse to where it needs to go. I tried with gamepad, and same issue with it as well...

Review by TheXboxHub
8 dicembre 2021

Project Wingman is a fine addition to the air combat genre - so much so that it is frankly a no-brainer for fans. It plays somewhat on the safe side with predictable weapons and aircraft, however the tight and satisfying gameplay, epic music, and engaging story, really make it stand out.

Review by Generación Xbox
8 novembre 2021

Project Wingman is a fun experience, that even when it does not bring anything new to the table, it does enough to keep us playing until the end.

Review by Broyax [user]
29 ottobre 2021

Ce jeu de coucous démoulé par un développeur d’étrons indés est un clone (tout aussi merdique) des Ace Combat bien connus dont il reprend tousCe jeu de coucous démoulé par un développeur d’étrons indés est un clone (tout aussi merdique) des Ace Combat bien connus dont il reprend tous les défauts (bien connus), à savoir l’ennui et la répétitive répétition qui se répète ad nauseam alors qu’on flingue douze mille cibles par mission (environ) avec nos treize mille missiles environ, enfin à peu près.Sorti sur PC, il a été porté à l’arrache sur Xbox One, histoire d’arrondir les fins de mois ; on retrouve d’ailleurs un paquet de réglages graphiques directement hérités de la version PC mais même ‘tout à fond’, le jeu n’est pas bien beau et sa résolution est faible, ses textures sont floues et ses temps de chargement sont importants.On ne peut pas inverser la vue et de toute façon, on s’emmerde pour pas un rond (il est tombé dans le game pass, tant pis pour lui et tant mieux pour nous, on économise de l’argent ! mais économisez également votre temps en ne perdant pas de temps sur ce petit indé à la mords-moi-le-noeud dont certaines missions durent trop longtemps et sans aucun point de sauvegarde ! bref, poubelle !

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 1 dicembre 2020
Editore Sector D2, Humble Games
Valutazioni Totali 84%
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer, Cooperativa
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Indie, Simulatore
Temi Azione, Guerra
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One, SteamVR