
Pathfinder: Kingmaker è il primo RPG isometrico per computer basato su party ambientato nell'universo fantasy di Pathfinder. Goditi un'esperienza RPG classica ispirata a giochi come Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 e 2 e Arcanum. Esplora e conquista le Terre Rubate e rendile il tuo regno!


A nord si trovano le Terre Rubate, una regione che è stata un territorio conteso per secoli. Centinaia di regni sono sorti e caduti in queste terre e ora è giunto il momento di lasciare il segno, costruendo il tuo regno! Per farlo, dovrai sopravvivere all'aspra natura selvaggia e alla minaccia delle nazioni rivali... così come alle minacce all'interno della tua corte.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker è basato sull'omonimo e pluripremiato Pathfinder Adventure Path di Paizo. Non è certo necessario che abbiate familiarità con la storia, ma se lo siete, incontrerete personaggi che conoscete e amate, nonché una serie di eventi, compagni, alleati e minacce nuovi di zecca che espandono e migliorano il percorso di avventura originale. Con l'aiuto di Paizo e dei suoi autori, la storia e le missioni sono state ampliate dallo scrittore di giochi di ruolo Chris Avellone e dal team Owlcat, consentendo ancora più avventura nella già ricca narrazione delle Terre Rubate.

Mentre Pathfinder: Kingmaker è un gioco single-player, non vi avventurerete da soli. ""Kingmaker"" presenta un cast diversificato di compagni e PNG, compresi i personaggi iconici dell'ambientazione Pathfinder stessa. Dovrete decidere di chi fidarvi e chi guardare con attenzione, poiché ogni compagno ha un'agenda, un allineamento e obiettivi che possono differire dai vostri. Il tuo viaggio diventerà il loro viaggio, e contribuirai a plasmare le loro vite sia al momento che in futuro.

Il tuo regno

Abbiamo scelto di adattare il percorso dell'avventura Kingmaker perché presenta una serie di meccaniche a mondo aperto, permettendo ai giocatori di vivere la storia al proprio ritmo mentre esplorano le Terre Rubate, che ti metteranno alla prova sia come avventuriero che come sovrano. Soprattutto, il gioco vi permette di rivendicare queste terre come vostre, permettendovi di ritagliare il vostro regno dalla natura selvaggia. Mentre il classico dungeon crawling e l'esplorazione sono al centro di questa avventura, la diplomazia, la politica e lo sviluppo del regno sono anche parte della sfida. Scegli bene i tuoi alleati e tieniteli stretti mentre esplori antiche tombe e rovine e mentre affronti la politica nella tua corte.

Come scoprirai, costruire un regno va oltre la semplice costruzione di una roccaforte: Il tuo regno è un riflesso del tuo personaggio e delle tue scelte nel corso del gioco. È un essere vivente plasmato dal tuo allineamento, dai tuoi alleati e dalla tua capacità di guidare il tuo popolo. Non solo il tuo regno può espandersi, aprendo nuovi territori e permettendoti di costruire nuove città e comunità, ma la tua capitale cambierà fisicamente in base alle tue decisioni, alle tue politiche e persino alle persone con cui scegli di allearti. Man mano che il tuo regno cresce, un certo numero di fazioni e paesi vicini verranno da te per cercare favori e per mettere alla prova la tua forza.

Esplora - Conquista - Governa

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Sakamabolz [user]
18 novembre 2021

This game is hardly playable due to horrible level design. I tried to play on normal and I do have a lot of tactical rpg experience. Still IThis game is hardly playable due to horrible level design. I tried to play on normal and I do have a lot of tactical rpg experience. Still I found myself in a dungeon with exit locked behind me, no way to rest, spent spells and potions. If the games goal is to entertain than this one fails miserably. I am not against challenge as I did Wastelands 3 on insane and Xcom 2 on Ironman difficulties, but this game bad design and unneeded complexity is too much.

Review by Jalal76 [user]
8 settembre 2021

Pathfinder Kingmaker PS4 Pro: A realistic accounting of the game’s performance on PS4 ProTLDR: Buggy, but imminently playable and quitePathfinder Kingmaker PS4 Pro: A realistic accounting of the game’s performance on PS4 ProTLDR: Buggy, but imminently playable and quite enjoyable, if you’re patient with it.For a long time, I held off buying Owlcat’s Pathfinder Kingmaker for the PS4. The terrible player reviews, the game breaking bugs, the unplayable state of the game and a developer that seemed to have moved on to a new release, all had prevented me from buying this game. Until desperation for a new console CRPG made me cave and buy it anyway. And then I was pleasantly surprised by the state of the game.So pleasantly surprised that I feel that some of the reviews online are old and maybe even unfair and not representative of the current state of the game on PS4. I decided to counter the uninformative or flat-out outdated reviews that are prevalent. I want to give you a truthful and realistic perspective of someone who knew the game was flawed but bought it anyway and found I could play it and enjoy it. This writeup is meant for the buyer that wants to buy this game but is on the fence, and just wants a realistic breakdown of what to expect if they shell out the cash for Kingmaker. If that’s you, then read on; this was my experience.Playtime: 141 hours on a pure lvl 20 Aasimar Monk I called, Wun Saitama! Don’t hate my bad names.Quest Breaking bugs: none found or experienced, though the second last quest area (in the First World) can burn in hell.Black Screen on game launch: 3Comments: Just shut the game down and restart it.General Crashes: 21Comments: Mostly because I tried to load a new area whilst the game was still saving. Waiting for the game to fully save then loading into a new area solves the problem. Most frequently found when shifting into Kingdom management mode from the throne room or the main map. Twice the game crashed while loading. Thrice, a crash was preceded by a frame rate drop.Frame Rates: Great in the beginning of the game, average in the later stages, but very, very playable. Lead to three crashes though so suggest a quick savePlaytime lost due to crashes: Average 4-5 min only.Total playtime lost: about approx. 1-1.5 hours of progress over the full playthrough.Comments: Because I was saving frequently I only ever lost avg. 4-5 min of play. I had 1 auto save slot, 1 quick save slot, 3 manual save files. With frequent and clever saving, I was never more than 5 min or so of progress behind after a crash. Not game destroying at all and I was able to recover any lost progress easily and then move on. In a 12-hour sitting, I would average a crash or so, and sometimes none, sometimes 2. Nothing that made me descend into pure gamer rage, damage my own property and write badly composed tirades against this game and its devs online.Slow LoadingComments: Well yes. Especially towards the end of the main campaign. They do get slower. But egregiously so? Anthem levels of loading speed? Absolutely not. I will suggest you take that sip of water, double check to make sure your phone has the right guide opened (don’t lie! You know you will play this with one eye on the guide), have some snacks and there you go, loadings over. Let the murder hobo-ing commence.Story, Gameplay, DLCs etc: Quite good. Pathfinder Kingmaker is no instant classic, but I will rate this game’s story, character creation and gameplay, top notch. Not legendary “S” tier, but a solid “B plus” overall and an “A” for the effort and love for the Pathfinder franchise that’s on display. For more details, please refer to your game reviewer of choice.Final Thoughts: I’m not talking No Mans Sky levels of redemption here, Pahtfinder Kingmaker did have a rough, buggy launch. But Owlcat have done a decent job of patching together a fun and playable game here that you can safely and confidently enjoy on your PS4 without too many bugs getting in your way.There you have it. A realistic breakdown of what it was like to play Kingmaker. I hope I was able to inform your purchase and have a great day!

Review by Steyraus [user]
30 gennaio 2021

I really enjoyed the first few hours until I came across swarms . I've tried everything on them fire bombs acid bombs area of attack effects .I really enjoyed the first few hours until I came across swarms . I've tried everything on them fire bombs acid bombs area of attack effects . They don't die....Apart from that the whole interface is clumsy and cumbersome , just playing the games is an excersise in paitience. All your party member have the same superwahmen story. They were to amazing and underappreciated in their home towns, so they left to find where people realised they were amazing. I really tried with this hgamecause the first hour was great. But their is glitched anf bugs on top off everything, some this game gets deleted.

Review by GameMAG
24 ottobre 2020

If you were looking forward to dive deep into Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition on consoles, you probably should change your plans. At least for the time being, while the devs are trying to fix their game. Meanwhile, if you still crave that classic role-playing experience, just get yourself Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin.

Review by TheSixthAxis
21 settembre 2020

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a phenomenal game with hundreds of hours of deep CRPG and kingdom management gameplay, but at the time of review it's hampered by bugs that impact how you can enjoy the game, and with reports of progression halting issues and save file corruption. Our advice would be to wait for the bugs to be patched, but ready yourself for a serious commitment to this vast CRPG.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 25 settembre 2018
Editore Owlcat Games, Deep Silver
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Gioco di ruolo (RPG), tattico
Temi Fantasia
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One