Override 2: Super Mech League

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Il gigantesco robot attaccabrighe sta facendo un ritorno super-carico in Override 2: Super Mech League!

Sette anni dopo che gli Xenotipi che hanno invaso la Terra sono stati sradicati, i mech giganti che una volta erano i difensori del pianeta sono ora i loro intrattenitori nelle leghe globali di battaglia mech. Nei panni di un nuovo pilota di queste armi da guerra riconvertite, scala i ranghi e rappresenta il tuo club con un roster messo a punto di mech nuovi e di ritorno, ognuno con le proprie abilità uniche, mosse e attacchi super-caricati. Override 2: Super Mech League è giocabile sia in single player che in campagne multiplayer fino a 4 giocatori in locale e online in stadi ambientati in tutto il mondo.

Inizia come un nuovo pilota e fatti strada tra i ranghi in una profonda e robusta modalità Carriera. Unisciti alle leghe Mech e guadagna reputazione gareggiando in arene situate in tutto il mondo. Sfidati con un roster di robot di ritorno e nuovi mech in varie modalità di gioco versus e co-op fino a 4 giocatori online e in locale. Sconfiggi i tuoi avversari usando un arsenale di mosse uniche tra cui attacchi a distanza super-caricati, combo che distruggono il metallo o un attacco finale che distrugge l'arena!

Override 2: Super Mech League Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Override 2: Super Mech League Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by BillyDerp [user]
8 giugno 2021

So this game horribly disappointed me and my friend. We had played Override: Mech City Brawl and we absolutely loved it despite all itsSo this game horribly disappointed me and my friend. We had played Override: Mech City Brawl and we absolutely loved it despite all its unpolish and it was all because we had fun playing the game co-op. Playing muilitple pilots to 1 mech. It was the best feature in my opinion. Then we saw the trailer for This game and got extremely excited and bought it. We honestly should've researched it more but we assumed the most unique feature the game had was going to stay, oh how we were very wrong. They did away with not only our favorite feature of muilitple pilots but the fighting mechanics felt way different to, to be fair the mechanics were made better to make fighting more exciting but me and my friend just didnt like the feel of it as much anymore. The game fine but we personally dont like it due to removal of certain features.

Review by ZTGD
18 marzo 2021

I said Override 1 was great and I still think it is. There was a real charm to it despite not being the most polished experience; I had just wished that there was more single player content. I also assumed that maybe some licensed content would bring in a crowd but clearly, I was wrong as Ultraman DLC seemingly failed to bring people in. I’m really disappointed, as the mech design is just so good but this game is so boring. I think Override 2 killed all the goodwill I had from the first game; I really don’t care to try out a half-baked single player game attached to a dead multiplayer game again. It works fine and that’s the best I can say about this game.

Review by NintendoWorldReport
2 marzo 2021

As a game viewed independently from platform, Override 2 is a functional if not exceptional arena fighter that is brimming with charm and strong visual design. As a Switch game, it has a few too many rough edges to strongly recommend. It isn’t downright bad; this version just doesn’t carry with it any of Override 2’s strengths, leaving you with an ugly arena fighter that struggles to find originality or unique mechanics.

Review by XboxAddict
27 gennaio 2021

While fans of the original might be turned off from the drastic combat changes, what I will say is that it feels much more accessible, as my daughter was able to easily jump in and start doing cool moves without having to memorize a bunch of inputs. While this opens it up to a larger audience, it by no way feels even remotely balanced and usually degrades into who’s spammed special moves can outperform the others spammed move sets.

Review by COGconnected
25 gennaio 2021

Simply put, Override 2: Super Mech League would have benefited from having more content. It feels rushed, and I cannot help but think the developers were forced into meeting a release deadline. Granted, what we do have is a smooth, and functioning game; but it’s a half-finished one that doesn’t have much of a player base, at all. Modus Games dropped the ball here and I have a hard time recommending Override 2: Super Mech League to anyone.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 21 dicembre 2020
Editore Modus Studio Brasil, Modus Games
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer, Cooperativa
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Indie, Combattere
Temi Azione, Festa
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S