Need for Speed: Shift

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Need for Speed SHIFT è un gioco di corse autentico e pluripremiato che combina l'esperienza di un vero pilota con la fisica del mondo reale, modelli di auto perfetti al pixel e un'ampia gamma di piste autentiche. Need for Speed SHIFT porta i giocatori in una direzione diversa per creare un'esperienza di simulazione che riproduce la vera sensazione di guidare auto ad alte prestazioni.

I giocatori vengono catapultati nell'esperienza rumorosa, viscerale, intensa e atletica di correre con un'auto al limite del controllo dal punto di vista del pilota, grazie alla combinazione di forze G basate sulla percezione, all'iperrealtà della visuale dall'abitacolo e all'esperienza brutale di una dinamica di incidente in prima persona. Need for Speed SHIFT presenta un modello di guida accurato e accessibile basato sulla fisica, che consente di percepire ogni impatto, ogni cambiamento della superficie della pista e ogni minima aderenza mentre ci si spinge al limite.

Need for Speed: Shift Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Need for Speed: Shift Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by dfjaljfdal [user]
15 marzo 2012

Very good graphics; sometimes has frame rate issues. Realistic handling though, although AI is too good to be real. Sometimes drivers actuallyVery good graphics; sometimes has frame rate issues. Realistic handling though, although AI is too good to be real. Sometimes drivers actually screw up, but not in this game. Other than that, solid racing overall.

Review by Korvin20110320 [user]
1 aprile 2011

The game has decent graphics and not arcadic drive physics. Real simulators, I suppose, have physics closer to the real, but they have lowThe game has decent graphics and not arcadic drive physics. Real simulators, I suppose, have physics closer to the real, but they have low graphics. For me the game is a best tradeoff between realistic driving and good looking picture.

Review by lolsorisnub [user]
22 agosto 2010

"0" -very bad console port: all the menus are a pain and being able to use the mouse to select stuff would be so much easier. -it doesnt add"0" -very bad console port: all the menus are a pain and being able to use the mouse to select stuff would be so much easier. -it doesnt add anything new to the genre, apart from non-steering cars (reminds me of gta IV) -requests an even longer-than-usual "grind" through low-tier cars before you can unlock anything worth driving. -physics engine makes for fun times, because its a jokei dont understand why they bothered to add vinyls and such when there is no way you can see them since there is no 3rd person camera, meaning driving different cars doesnt change the experience by much. all you'll notice is better speed, etcive been playing and loving NFS since porche unleashed. ive completed the careers for underground 1&2; most wanted, carbon, i liked them all, yet i uninstalled shift after 2 days.. -all the (terribly boring) cutscenes (for example before and after each race) cannot be skipped.the critics who gave this an 83 mustve been either high or very well paid.

Review by WillX [user]
5 dicembre 2009

This is not a game designed for a PC audience. Console control themes permeate the game too much and make it far too annoying to play. Bad This is not a game designed for a PC audience. Console control themes permeate the game too much and make it far too annoying to play. Bad physics, terrible control, not-quite-there visuals and a half-hearted attempt at intruding into the sim genre rather than staying closer to NFS's more arcade style roots makes for a dismal game. Bring back NFS 2 SE.

Review by SandyG [user]
30 settembre 2009

For all those that expected it to be street racing, its not. Thats why everyone is giving it bad reviews. i have played the game a lot. got For all those that expected it to be street racing, its not. Thats why everyone is giving it bad reviews. i have played the game a lot. got used to it and turns out its not bad at all. Car selection is amazing, just cant see it beating forza motorsport 3. Personally i was expecting street racing but its not. theres no other leading games designers doing street racing games i wonder why.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 15 settembre 2009
Editore Slightly Mad Studios, Electronic Arts
Contenuto recensito E (Everyone)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer
Prospettive dei giocatori Prima persona, Terza persona
Generi Simulatore, Corse
Temi Azione
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360