
Un RPG realistico in prima persona, open world, che ti porterà nell'Europa medievale in un'epoca di sconvolgimenti e conflitti

Un umile e giovane fabbro perde tutto in guerra. Mentre cerca di esaudire l'ultimo desiderio di suo padre, il destino lo trascina nel folto di una cospirazione per salvare un re rapito e fermare un conflitto sanguinoso. Vagherai per il mondo, combattendo come un cavaliere, appostandoti nell'ombra come una canaglia, o usando il fascino del bardo per convincere la gente alla tua causa. Ti immergerai in profondità in una storia epica e non lineare di Daniel Vávra, un premiato designer della serie Mafia. Il nostro unico sistema di combattimento in prima persona ti permette di brandire la spada o l'arco sia in schermaglie uno contro uno che in battaglie su larga scala. Tutto questo - e molto altro ancora - prende vita grazie alla grafica next-gen realizzata con CryEngine 3.


"L'anno è il 1403, la regione della Boemia, situata nel cuore dell'Europa, ricca di cultura, argento e castelli tentacolari. Il gioco è basato su una storia vera - una storia di re, eredi, un regno, assedi di castelli e battaglie sanguinose.

Il re è morto e suo figlio maggiore Venceslao IV diventa il nuovo re di Boemia.

L'infuriato fratellastro di Venceslao, Sigismondo, imprigiona Venceslao e invade il paese con il suo potente esercito. Purtroppo, in mezzo a questo caos, il tuo personaggio Henry soffre. L'esercito mercenario distrugge la tua casa e uccide la tua famiglia, tu sei l'unico superstite del bagno di sangue ed è qui che inizia la tua strada verso la redenzione. Goditi la ricostruzione dettagliata del paesaggio del XV secolo. Usa le armi che venivano usate dai cavalieri. Prendi parte a epiche battaglie storiche che sono accadute nella Media Europa e negli assedi dei castelli!"

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Stoklos [user]
30 luglio 2020

Good game but not perfect. The dialogues are terribly animated. The game also has a lot of bugs, and DLC's are not worth the price, they areGood game but not perfect. The dialogues are terribly animated. The game also has a lot of bugs, and DLC's are not worth the price, they are just WAY to short. The ending is very unsatisfying. The combat in the game is hard to learn but when you master it, you'll love it. I'd say the game is worth the price, but is not perfect

Review by TITAN24H [user]
28 luglio 2020

This game is amazing and is very well optimised for the Xbox. Yes the start can be slow at times but after that hiccup the game becomes anThis game is amazing and is very well optimised for the Xbox. Yes the start can be slow at times but after that hiccup the game becomes an amazing open world experience where your free to do pretty much anything. The levelling is really satisfying and the combat is fun and intuitive. Although learning some controls comes down to reading a bunch of text which a video or some other tutorial would be preferable but the choice is understandable. Lock picking on the other hand is terrible but luckily it’s an open world game so there are other ways of unlocking locks such as pickpocketing. The start does have some redeeming quality’s such as an emotional event (no spoilers) and a rival which in turn made me feel really invested in the story which is also amazing with its character development and voice acting making characters feel like real people. If not for the average start and the lockpicking then this game would be a 10/10.

Review by Santa79Claus [user]
28 dicembre 2019

One of my favorite games of all time. It’s been my dream to play a medieval game with this level of immersion! And with the patches it’s nowOne of my favorite games of all time. It’s been my dream to play a medieval game with this level of immersion! And with the patches it’s now totally playable with just a few bugs.

Review by Tuplay [user]
28 novembre 2018

Broken game, simple as that. If I press the "unlock of target button" and the cursers unlocks on top of the target, so the autolock systemBroken game, simple as that. If I press the "unlock of target button" and the cursers unlocks on top of the target, so the autolock system makes me lock onto the target I just unlocked from, is the worst possible way the programmers could have done this. No locking system would have been preferable to a locking system that just doesn't work.Furthermore, when I press the "attack" button, then that action obviously should follow. I understand there is a delay based on skill and other aspects, but even at high levels I still would only have 9/10 attacks registering (attacks being pressing the button). HITTING the target is another issue entirely, one that doesn't make sense all of the time. If my sword goes through somebody, literally through the graphic, and there is zero indication that I landed a hit. When I land a hit, there is sound, recoil, something- anything, but every now and then (often enough to not be an anomaly) my attack will just go THROUGH the NPC (Note this happens most with stabbing).Honestly, I'd give the game a 7/10 if it weren't for the autolocking issue. It's that bad on Xbox one, but I've heard it's better on PC.When an enemy can recover in the midst of recoiling, and deliver a combo which kills me at full health (NOT REFERENCING THE FIRST CUMAN), then you have a broken game.When pressing the "unlock" doesn't do anything but make you lock on again, then you have a broken game.WHEN I AM PRESSING THE ATTACK BUTTON AND HENRY REFUSES TO ATTACK THE ENEMY AS THEY RECOIL IN PAIN OR DROP THEIR GUARD EVEN WITH FULL STAMINA IS RIDICULOUSKCD isn't a good game, it isn't broken one. Saying it's good despite the brokenness of the game would be akin to saying that Jimmy Carter's presidency was good despite the utter lack of coherent thought during it.

Review by cbg45133 [user]
3 luglio 2018

One of the best RPG games I've ever played. It had some bugs at launch, but honestly every game I've played over the past 5 years has beenOne of the best RPG games I've ever played. It had some bugs at launch, but honestly every game I've played over the past 5 years has been buggy. This game is amazing and anyone who loves role playing games should give it a try.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 13 febbraio 2018
Editore Deep Silver, Warhorse Studios
Contenuto recensito M (Mature)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Prima persona
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG)
Temi Azione, Mondo aperto, Storico, Fantasia, Stealth
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch