Iron Danger

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Iron Danger è un gioco di combattimento tattico con una meccanica unica di manipolazione del tempo. Una combinazione mai vista prima che combina la profondità tattica dei giochi a turni con l'azione emozionante dei giochi in tempo reale.

Affronta incontri impegnativi con il tuo gruppo di due personaggi, utilizzando una varietà di abilità e ambienti altamente interattivi.

Forse darete fuoco a un nemico e lo caccerete in un campo di grano per un vero e proprio barbeque, o preparerete una trappola e gli farete cadere un albero addosso. Le opzioni sono infinite e sarete voi a decidere il vostro approccio!



Iron Danger è un gioco completamente story-driven, in cui l'azione scaturisce dalle scelte degli eroi e dagli eventi che li circondano. Il destino di un intero mondo è nelle vostre mani, e dovrete lottare contro la magia cosmica, mostri terrificanti e colossali macchine da guerra per salvarlo. Ma non sei un guerriero conquistatore o un maestro di stregoneria per nascita: devi crescere nel tuo destino passo dopo passo, e non puoi farlo da solo. Lungo il tuo viaggio, sarai affiancato da compagni con i loro obiettivi, background, abilità e personalità. Ti guideranno e ti proteggeranno, ma porteranno anche sfide proprie, e le loro vite sono in definitiva anche nelle tue mani. Insieme, vi impegnerete in lotte epiche e farete magiche scoperte, ma altrettanto importanti sono le relazioni che si formano lungo la strada.

Iron Danger Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Iron Danger Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Welish [user]
24 maggio 2020

Interesting combat mechanic, good story, great lore and awesome voice acting. It took me 17 h to finish it on high difficult. Sometimes itInteresting combat mechanic, good story, great lore and awesome voice acting. It took me 17 h to finish it on high difficult. Sometimes it harsh, poor optimized but for the first game in a new studio it's fantastic.

Review by IGN Japan
7 maggio 2020

The battle system that allows you to turn back time and retry is well done, and once you manage to stylishly defeat enemies after a long session of trial and error, it feels great. While the game offers many different situations to keep things fresh, sadly its story is not as captivating as its gameplay.

Review by GameSkinny
8 aprile 2020

Iron Danger is a fascinating game to try and assign a score to. It is really based around one core concept, and however far that concept takes you is how much mileage you'll get out of it. Jumping back and forth through time using mechanics reminiscent of audio or video editing software can be a unique tactical puzzle. That said, Iron Danger lacks the polish or depth to appeal much beyond that interesting concept. A lot of people will have fun with Iron Danger, but I could also see it being a game that many load up and ultimately bounce off of.

Review by Murgraal [user]
3 aprile 2020

Adventure game that is heavily inspired by the TRPG and Puzzle genre, with a unique time-manipulation mechanic that is super rewarding andAdventure game that is heavily inspired by the TRPG and Puzzle genre, with a unique time-manipulation mechanic that is super rewarding and turns more interesting as you progress through the game and gain more levels.Characters seems interesting, though the dialogue is not always respecting me as the player to figure our what's happening as they are stating pretty obvious stuff. Most of the time it's entertaining and giving you some giggles.The combat takes away the "mistake" factor from the game, you can try and optimize your strategy until you find a way to get out of the situation without taking damage. At first it feels weird but you get the hang of it quite quickly and then it becomes super rewarding.You get upgrades to skills and characters after almost every level, so you have something new to bring to battle each level. I understand that this level approach is kinda weird and old-school for a modern game, but it didn't bother me and the length of the levels and phasing is good.Enemy variation is good, level design seems interesting and diverse, animations seem good and the game looks awesome in 4k with maxed out graphics.The music in the game is very good and brings a lot of atmosphere / character to the different scenarios of the game. I like that they gave the music a big role in this game to set the mood of an level with a wide variety of songs to listen to while finding solutions for your fights.Some people are complaining about lack of character levels and gear to customize and after 3 hours in the game i don't need it, the game has other systems to reward the player. I don't just expect it to be a full blown trpg, if you look at it as a adventure/puzzle game with rpg elements your expectations will more likely get.Highly recommend this game, first chance in a modern game to get a grasp of Finnish folklore and a great job from the studio.

Review by Vandal
2 aprile 2020

Iron Danger is based on an interesting time-traveling that sometimes works great, and sometimes doesn’t. If you like the genre, though, it’s worth a try, as it offers something hard to find in other similar games.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 25 marzo 2020
Editore Action Squad Studios, Daedalic Entertainment
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona, Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie, tattico, Strategia
Temi Azione, Fantasia
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5