Intruders: Hide and Seek

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Intruders: Hide and Seek è un gioco stealth compatibile con la VR, in cui si incarna Ben, un ragazzino di 13 anni che cerca di affrontare la peggiore notte della sua vita...


Immaginate di essere un ragazzino che si sta godendo le vacanze con la sua famiglia nella sua casa nel bosco. All'improvviso, tre intrusi irrompono in casa tua e rapiscono tutti tranne te. Sono ignari della tua presenza e tu non hai più tempo per salvare i tuoi cari. Per riuscire, devi muoverti inosservato, cercando di sopravvivere al tuo peggior incubo trasformato in realtà. Il nascondino non sarà più un gioco per bambini.

Intruders: Hide and Seek Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Intruders: Hide and Seek Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Screen Rant
21 ottobre 2019

Intruders: Hide and Seek acts as a quick jolt of Halloween fun, and something that definitely holds a place within the VR market in particular, even with its more awkward, basic moments. However, players shouldn't come into the title expecting anything groundbreaking.

Review by DrDrogo [user]
28 settembre 2019

I think I just found a little treasure here.The first thing I have to say is that I didn't know this game until two days ago, no news, noI think I just found a little treasure here.The first thing I have to say is that I didn't know this game until two days ago, no news, no pics.. nothing. The game cover really caught my attention and seeing the affordable price I decided to give it a try. I think it was one of the best surprises I've had in a long time. The story is about a boy named Ben who has to face three kidnappers in his own house. I was expecting a game full of classic jumpscares that easilly ensures a good time and forget the game minutes later. With Intruders I found a game surprisingly detailed with an amazing story for a complete unknown game studio to me. I find difficult to find a game genre to place this game in, but it's the closest of living a thriller movie in my own skin I have lived. It has it's flaws obviously, the limitations of an small studio and it's not very long, but I REALLY loved the experience every minute. The story goes up and up and, not spoiling anything too important, it twisted my mind with the story like a big movie production.The game mechanics are simple but effective and the game atmosphere is quite cool. The characters on the other hand could have been better (too cartoonish for my taste) but they never took me out of the immersion of the game.Being that said, Intruders has been a really nice surprise for me and i'm expecting some more from this studio. Good job!

Review by Tutanpuyo [user]
28 settembre 2019

Really good immersive VR game, quite good optimized and the story behind the characters is pretty good. A must buy VR title with no doubt!

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 13 febbraio 2019
Editore Daedalic Entertainment, Tessera Studios
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Realtà virtuale
Generi Avventura, Indie
Temi Azione, Stealth
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation VR