God of War


Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


"È un nuovo inizio per Kratos. Vivendo come un uomo, fuori dall'ombra degli dei, cerca la solitudine nelle terre sconosciute della mitologia norrena. Con un nuovo scopo e suo figlio al suo fianco, Kratos deve lottare per la sopravvivenza mentre potenti forze minacciano di distruggere la nuova vita che ha creato..."

God of War Istruzioni per l'attivazione

God of War Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Piergio [user]
27 giugno 2022

Well, it's quite a good game, but i did expect a lot more reading all the reviews online. It's was a bit of a let down playing it, but it wasWell, it's quite a good game, but i did expect a lot more reading all the reviews online. It's was a bit of a let down playing it, but it was my fault that i expected more. The game is good, just not a masterpiece in my opinion.

Review by YamatoHayabusa2 [user]
13 giugno 2022

his game is easily one of the best videogame experiences any player could playthrough, especially if you've played the older games on the…

Review by Kacperov13 [user]
8 febbraio 2022

Przebudowa serii i przebrażowienie jej na gre bardziej RPG musiało wypalić doliczając do tego wciagającą fabułe oraz świetny gameplay

Review by New York Daily News
25 gennaio 2022

It all adds up to the most definitive version of one of the finest adventures the God of War has ever taken. If you’re thinking of diving into God of War, this is the best, most elegant way to play it. Opt for the PC version over the PlayStation 4 title – and enjoy a splendid ride.

Review by iMnoGouD [user]
15 gennaio 2022

This game is easily one of the best videogame experiences any player could playthrough, especially if you've played the older games on theThis game is easily one of the best videogame experiences any player could playthrough, especially if you've played the older games on the franchise. It is a truly well-crafted story with, in my most sincere opinion, the most satisfying and fluid gameplay in any videogame that i've ever played. I'm not gonna go too deep into what makes this game great or any spoilers that shows you why this is a masterpiece of a storyline.If you haven't played this game, i truly recommend you to play through it because i can assure you, if you enjoy an epic storyline with amazing action packed moments whilst also having some slower character developing and emotional moments for you to feel for the characters, then this game is gonna grab you from the get go.And if you have played through this one, i also advise you to playthrough the old ones, they're different and more focused on action packed content than an immersive story but they also are really great games in their own with a great story aswell.Go ahead, Spartan. May you slay your enemies with discipline.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 20 aprile 2018
Editore Sony Interactive Entertainment, SIE Santa Monica Studio, Jetpack Interactive
Valutazioni Totali 95%
Contenuto recensito M (Mature)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Temi Azione, Storico, Fantasia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4