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Gish non è il solito eroe. Anzi, non è niente di normale... Gish è una palla di catrame. Una passeggiata domenicale con la sua amica, Brea, va a rotoli quando un'oscura figura emerge da un tombino aperto e trascina Brea sotto terra. Seguendo le richieste di aiuto di Brea, Gish si ritrova improvvisamente nelle fogne sotterranee di Dross, una città dimenticata da tempo, piena di corridoi tortuosi, trappole diaboliche e alcune delle creature più demenziali che si possano immaginare.

Con la sua struttura gelatinosa come unico mezzo di difesa, Gish deve seguire le grida echeggianti della sua damigella in pericolo nelle profondità della terra. Quali stravaganti creature abitano questa terra sotterranea? Chi è il rapitore di Brea? E fino a che punto si spinge la tana del coniglio?

La vita non è facile quando si è una palla di catrame di 12 libbre...

Gish Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Gish Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by javban [user]
29 dicembre 2010

At first glance I though I would really enjoy this game. I had played super meat boy before playing this game, and I thought the characterAt first glance I though I would really enjoy this game. I had played super meat boy before playing this game, and I thought the character would control similarly to how he controls in super meat boy. This was the one major drawback of this game. I love platformers, but the controls in this game were atrocious for me. I see here that many people enjoyed the game, so my advice is to try the demo. for what it's worth the game does have some interesting new ideas, and I thought the art direction was quite good.

Review by RockyA.s [user]
6 marzo 2008

Innovative, fun, addictive, and somewhat disturbing. Gish is one of the most innovative platform games I ever played. Its not just like any Innovative, fun, addictive, and somewhat disturbing. Gish is one of the most innovative platform games I ever played. Its not just like any Super Mario games or Megaman games. This game have a new twist on platform games, were you must use you body "Properties" to finish the scenario. Gish is a blob of tar that can stick on walls, slide through small spaces, increase his density to dive in water, and use his elasticity to jump higher. This game is Highly recommended for all those who like 2d platform games.

Review by EricE. [user]
14 gennaio 2008

Nice little game but don't like the controls at all. The controls get in the way of my enjoyment of the game. I was fighting the Nice little game but don't like the controls at all. The controls get in the way of my enjoyment of the game. I was fighting the controls of the game more then the monsters.

Review by ElijahY. [user]
11 gennaio 2008

Innovative gameplay, creative character design and fun puzzle. But I would appreciate if the level can be more bright and colorful, but I Innovative gameplay, creative character design and fun puzzle. But I would appreciate if the level can be more bright and colorful, but I understand that is somewhat restricted by the gameworld design (underground sewage...).

Review by SomebodySpecial [user]
7 ottobre 2007

This game is really remarkable. Firstly, I've never even considered the possibility of having a blob of liquid as the playable This game is really remarkable. Firstly, I've never even considered the possibility of having a blob of liquid as the playable character. Secondly, applying rag doll physics to that blob along with the rest of the world is equally impressive. The game is very inventive, makes you think a little, is very challenging at times, has great music and has a spooky haloweenie sort of atmosphere that I really enjoy! If you're looking for a game that is a little out of the ordinary, this is it. I guarantee you've never played a game like this before!

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 10 maggio 2004
Editore Cryptic Sea, Chronic Logic, Edmund McMillen
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista laterale
Generi Avventura, Indie, Arcade, Piattaforma, Sport, Puzzle
Temi Azione, Fantascienza, Commedia
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac