Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Allenati a casa e tira pugni a ritmo di musica
Colpi, montanti, schivate e molto altro ancora al ritmo di brani pop in questo gioco di boxe ritmico! Passate un controller Joy-Con a un compagno di allenamento e boxate insieme a ritmo.

Personalizzate il vostro allenamento con l'aiuto di un istruttore virtuale.

Scegliete tra nove istruttori virtuali, selezionate un livello di sfida da leggero a pesante e fatevi preparare un allenamento dal vostro allenatore, oppure createne uno da soli partendo da zero nell'Allenamento libero. Consultate esempi dettagliati, esercitatevi in movimenti specifici e ricevete un utile feedback dal vostro istruttore per ottenere il massimo dal vostro allenamento!

Riscaldatevi con il gioco Fitness Boxing originale e poi trasferite il vostro profilo al gioco Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Exercise.

Mantenete i vostri progressi nel gioco Fitness Boxing originale e trasferite il vostro profilo nel gioco Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Exercise.

Allenatevi ogni giorno e fate pugilato (e bop) a ritmo di musica. Passate un controller Joy-Con (o due) a un compagno di allenamento per godervi una sessione di boxe a due giocatori guidata dall'istruttore del gioco. Questi allenatori virtuali hanno personalità e stili diversi, quindi provateli e trovate quello più adatto a voi! Completa gli obiettivi per ricevere biglietti che puoi riscattare per acquistare abiti per addobbare il tuo allenatore in stile fitness.

A qualsiasi difficoltà si giochi, è possibile rivisitare esercizi specifici per esercitarsi o guardare esempi dettagliati per osservare la forma perfetta.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise è un modo per allenarsi in modo guidato, tenere traccia della propria attività e ascoltare i brani più popolari.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Gumdrop [user]
16 agosto 2022

It's a good concept, but done poorly. It doesn't actually matter what punches you throw. As long as it registers some sort of punch, it'llIt's a good concept, but done poorly. It doesn't actually matter what punches you throw. As long as it registers some sort of punch, it'll consider it done. I also find it fairly inconsistent in actually registering punches.My cousin has been a boxer since he was 12 and he played a couple of levels when he visited. So here's where the major issues lie. This is essentially shadow boxing. And as long as you're not throwing much power into your punches, you'll likely be ok. But the moment you add any actual power, you're injuring joints. If you're able to consistently control your punches, it's not too bad. But throw too much power and you risk injury. And once you start getting fatigued, control suffers and you're more likely to get sloppy. The second time I played, I was a bit sloppy on a punch and I strained my shoulder. Sure, if you're young and made of rubber and magic, then I'm sure you'll be ok. But for anyone else, this is probably a good way to hurt yourself.They also made zero effort with the warm-ups and cooldowns. Warm-ups are ok but not enough to be properly warmed up. But cool down is just a repeat of warm up. They didn't even bother to stop calling it warm-up when you're cooling down.And I really found it pretty dull. I don't find myself wanting to fire it up.

Review by sayguh [user]
11 dicembre 2021

It's really good. Works you up at a nice pace... I suggest getting some weighted gloves after a couple weeks to increase the difficulty. TheIt's really good. Works you up at a nice pace... I suggest getting some weighted gloves after a couple weeks to increase the difficulty. The licensed music is appreciated. I enjoy doing this every day for 30 mins and I'm feeling a lot better.

Review by Chapapa [user]
6 giugno 2021

Okay game if you're willing to slog through hours of boring, slow lessons, before you unlock actual fun lessons. Never understood that inOkay game if you're willing to slog through hours of boring, slow lessons, before you unlock actual fun lessons. Never understood that in fitness/music/arcade/fun games. Just give me all content, I don't want to sit through your boring lessons where there is a punch only every 7 seconds.That every lesson begins with about 30 seconds of meaningless talk from the trainer should tell you enough about the slowness of this game.

Review by rygu [user]
14 febbraio 2021

Very fun game. To all the people complaining that punches don't register...I had the same problem until I realized it will count your punchesVery fun game. To all the people complaining that punches don't register...I had the same problem until I realized it will count your punches as misses if you don't keep your hands up and and bring your hands back quickly after punching. Which makes perfect sense since that's exactly what they teach you in real boxing. I make sure I do those two things and I very rarely have missed punches anymore.

Review by XGN
8 febbraio 2021

Fitness Boxing 2 is a decent fitness game that will get you to sweat, provided you can muster up the discipline. The game provides a good variety of exercises and incentives to come back each day. The best and worst part of Fitness Boxing is that it doesn't need any additional hardware but instead relies on joy-con movement, which isn't always very accurate. Fitness Boxing 2 is a good alternative to Ring Fit Adventure if you don't want any additional equipment.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 3 dicembre 2020
Editore Nintendo, Imagineer
Contenuto recensito E (Everyone)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer
Generi Sport, Musica
Piattaforme Nintendo Switch