Darkest Dungeon

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


Il gioco è un gioco di ruolo gotico a scorrimento laterale con un sistema di combattimento a turni. Il giocatore esplora i dungeon con una squadra di quattro eroi. Mentre i giocatori possono esplorare solo con quattro eroi, saranno in grado di reclutare e gestire circa una dozzina di eroi dalla taverna locale o dalla carovana. Gli eroi sono reclutati da 15 classi diverse, ciascuna classe con le proprie abilità e capacità uniche.

Il combattimento avviene in passaggi stretti, il che significa che l'ordine del gruppo è importante rispetto alla classe degli eroi e alla strategia del giocatore. Per esempio, un crociato è una buona unità frontale con alti valori di attacco e difesa, mentre il medico della peste potrebbe essere meglio dietro a lanciare bombe di peste per diffondere malattie e confusione.

Invece di salire di livello, gli eroi hanno una "determinazione" che aumenterà con l'avanzare dell'avventura. Combattimenti ed eventi metteranno alla prova la risolutezza dell'eroe ed essi potrebbero sviluppare afflizioni se falliscono la loro risolutezza. Questo può risultare sia positivamente che negativamente creando diversi set di afflizioni per ogni eroe.

Durante l'esplorazione dei dungeon, la luce della torcia degli eroi diventa più fioca, il che significa che i dungeon diventano più pericolosi ma danno anche un bottino migliore. Gli eroi devono accamparsi per ricaricare la torcia nei dungeon. Red Hook si riferisce a questo come al campeggio tattico perché i giocatori devono distribuire le razioni tra i loro eroi, proteggere il campo dalle imboscate e ridurre i livelli di stress degli eroi, il tutto costando punti azione

Darkest Dungeon Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Darkest Dungeon Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by drlowdon [user]
1 maggio 2022

Having inherited an estate from an ancestor, the player soon discovers that the dungeons and catacombs beneath are filled with all manor orHaving inherited an estate from an ancestor, the player soon discovers that the dungeons and catacombs beneath are filled with all manor or monsters and evil creatures. To defeat them they must put together a team of adventurers and take up arms.Before setting off on each mission players select up to four heroes from the ‘hub-town’ (in which you can also upgrade characters etc) to take into the procedurally generated dungeons. Whilst it’s not technically a rouge-like, character death is permanent, and making the right choices in the turn-based combat in order to keep your characters alive and sane enough to continue quickly becomes very tricky.Unfortunately, despite a host of interesting ideas, I just never found the gameplay all that engaging. There is an incredibly steep learning curve to overcome with all sorts of facts and figures that will mean nothing to new players. If you do manage to push through there is a decent amount of depth to be found, but even then it never offered the same level of flexibility as something like Slay the Spire. This game clearly has a devout following, but personally I think they’re are more interesting alternatives.

Review by abrus [user]
30 novembre 2021

I love this game! It has a really atmospheric grim and 'gritty' feel thanks to the lovely hand-drawn graphics, creepy music and gruffI love this game! It has a really atmospheric grim and 'gritty' feel thanks to the lovely hand-drawn graphics, creepy music and gruff narration throughout. I love the fact you can play it in short bursts and every time you set out on a quest you chose what you feel like doing from 8 or 9 alternatives that vary in difficulty and length. There are lots of customisation options and so many combinations to experiment with when setting up your party (I think there are 14 different character types to recruit and all play quite differently). The game has some really cool mechanics (item and torch management, stress recovery management between quests) but the combat and exploration itself is not too complex. The key to success is in making small, incremental gains each quest - earn a bit more money than you spent, level up a couple of characters a bit, make optimal use of that new item you just found... I am 25 hours in now, but I'm still encountering new monster types and quest types and there is still much more I want to accomplish and experiment with. Initially this game seemed really brutal and unforgiving, but the learning curve is pretty fast and there is a glossary in the options and pop-up explanations of everything in-game. If you persist and learn from your failings you might have an awesome time with this like I did! This is easily one of my favourite games this year - I love spending time questing through this game-world and managing my party (and I am certainly not a 'hard core' RPG player).

Review by KeenGamer
12 agosto 2020

There is a good reason that Darkest Dungeon won a ton of awards and sold over 2 million copies - in portraying the dark underbelly of fantasy adventuring it touched on subjects rarely addressed in games before it. Its amazing sound, comic-like graphics, and intense, perpetual Ironman difficulty create a title that was addictive to those wanting Lovecraftian horror with a side of near Dark Souls difficulty. If you have never experienced it before, now is a great time to make its acquaintance, to be prepared for the release of Darkest Dungeon 2. And, if you were a previous visitor, make sure you take another look to experience the new DLC that has been added since your departure. Hours of broken peripherals and rage quits await.

Review by Nevermber [user]
21 novembre 2019

Here everything is decided by luck.Yes, of course, this is a difficult game where you need to think before each important decision,Here everything is decided by luck.Yes, of course, this is a difficult game where you need to think before each important decision, because it can become irreversible and fatal, you need to rock the city and heroes, you need to carefully select the heroes in the squad, giving them the necessary artifacts, but all the player’s efforts are leveled when the occultist heals the party three times in a row for 1 health, although it could have been for 15.Here luck rules the score, and the player can only reconcile and suffer.Great game.

Review by Cubed3
12 aprile 2018

Despite gameplay better suited for a mouse and keyboard, Darkest Dungeon transitions rather well from PC to Switch. The controls were always going to be convoluted when adapted to a controller, but it doesn't take too long to adjust, and the core gameplay loop is strong enough where overlooking that initial awkwardness is more than doable. Darkest Dungeon is by no means for everyone, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth the stress.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 3 febbraio 2015
Editore BlitWorks, Red Hook Studios
Valutazioni Totali 83%
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista laterale
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie, tattico, Strategia, Strategia a turni (TBS)
Temi Horror, Storico, Fantasia, Mistero
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch