Cris Tales

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Scopri una combinazione unica di storie ramificate, combattimenti innovativi e un classico gameplay RPG nell'emozionante e indimenticabile esplorazione di Cris Tales su come le nostre azioni riecheggiano nel tempo. Unisciti al mago del tempo appena risvegliato, Crisbell, e ai suoi fantastici compagni in un mondo fantastico che affronta un futuro cupo. La potente Imperatrice del Tempo e le sue forze minacciano di provocare un cataclisma che distruggerà Crystallis e gli altri quattro regni della regione.


Per fermare l'Imperatrice del Tempo e riscrivere il futuro della terra, dovrai intraprendere uno straziante viaggio attraverso i regni, incontrando e reclutando potenti alleati per aiutarti nella lotta. Padroneggia le loro abilità e la magia temporale unica di Crisbell per sconfiggere nemici potenti: mandali nel passato per affrontare i loro sé più deboli e giovani; nel futuro dove hanno subito tutti i danni di un veleno applicato nel presente; o crea le tue strategie in questo sistema di combattimento unico nel suo genere. Le vostre scelte in questo mondo avranno conseguenze di vasta portata per tutti coloro che incontrerete. Scruta il passato, agisci nel presente e guarda come le tue scelte cambiano dinamicamente il futuro, il tutto su uno schermo mentre giochi!

Cris Tales Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Cris Tales Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by annualblooms [user]
30 luglio 2022

The game has some flaws that can be expected from a smaller development team with less resources but it’s a great love letter to the genre.The game has some flaws that can be expected from a smaller development team with less resources but it’s a great love letter to the genre. The overall aesthetics such as character designs and environments are exceptional and there is a lot of heart behind the protagonist. The issues come in with the battle system where enemies are extremely inconsistent, and tapping the reaction buttons can be tedious for a turn-based system. The voice acting and plot were also all over the place. 8/10 based on my experience and not on technical achievements

Review by Nebby [user]
23 febbraio 2022

I like this game, it's really pretty and the gameplay is unique and fun. My only problem is that the loading time takes forever and there is aI like this game, it's really pretty and the gameplay is unique and fun. My only problem is that the loading time takes forever and there is a loading screen every time you get in to a battle, and battles are random encounters.

Review by GameCritics
21 gennaio 2022

Overall, this is an impressive first title from a young indie studio. An enjoyable cast of characters with great designs combined with an incredibly solid battle system facilitate an engaging story full of twists and turns. It may not win any awards for pure originality, but we do stand on the shoulders of giants, and in this sense Cris Tales rises higher because of it.

Review by tom974 [user]
28 novembre 2021

Given you like old school classic turn based RPG, this is a must play. Beautiful arttistic direction and OST, characters are well built, theGiven you like old school classic turn based RPG, this is a must play. Beautiful arttistic direction and OST, characters are well built, the story is deeper than the artistic direction would let you think. The mechanic of time powers could have been deeper too but there are some nice ideas and the main bosses will ask some reflexion from you. I didn't experience any bugs. And this is rare enough to mention it : every dialogs are (nicely) voiced.

Review by S1LVERSurfer93 [user]
28 ottobre 2021

What a lovely journey Cris Tales is. The art style is beautiful. The story is fun and heartwarming. The gameplay is entertaining andWhat a lovely journey Cris Tales is. The art style is beautiful. The story is fun and heartwarming. The gameplay is entertaining and nostalgic. Shoutout to the active timing mechanic for scoring bonus attacks and critical hits that I’ve always dreamed of in a turn based combat system. Also the time power mechanic brings a wonderful additional strategic layer to combat and exploration. Best of all, gamepass makes a game like this so much more discoverable and enjoyable. I highly recommend anyone with gamepass go and check out Cris Tales.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 19 luglio 2021
Editore SYCK, Dreams Uncorporated, Modus Games
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista laterale
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie
Temi Azione, Fantasia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia