Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


"Final Fight, il classico del 1989 che ha fatto conoscere al mondo Haggar, Cody e Guy, ha dato il via a un'ondata di beat 'em up fantasiosi che hanno preso d'assalto le sale giochi per tutti gli anni '90. Final Fight e altri sei giochi sono inclusi nel Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle, ognuno con i propri personaggi colorati, un gameplay unico e boss sopra le righe.

Ma con così tanti cattivi da affrontare, avrai bisogno di aiuto! Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle supporta il multiplayer locale e online per tutti e sette i titoli - quindi contatta gli amici per un aiuto o incontra nuovi compagni di lotta online!

Tutti e sette i giochi offrono sia la versione inglese che quella giapponese del gioco. Scegli quello che ti piace!

Vuoi ancora di più? Una galleria dettagliata contiene documenti d'archivio per tutti e sette i giochi, incluse rarità di decenni fa e note degli sviluppatori!"

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Alex_Pilgrim008 [user]
10 luglio 2022

This is a $20 collection that features seven arcade games from the 90's. The package includes online play, artwork from each game and theThis is a $20 collection that features seven arcade games from the 90's. The package includes online play, artwork from each game and the Japanese versions. You can adjust difficulty levels, enable borders, change ratio sizes and add scanlines. Each title is plenty of fun, especially with co-op partners. I would rate this with a 7.7 out of 10.

Review by Gaming Nexus
18 ottobre 2018

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle is another successful entry in Capcom’s recent efforts to bring more retro games back into the fold. It’s a solid experience whether you’re looking to relive the glory days of the arcade, or discover the types of games that cost your gaming predecessors all their coveted quarters. With seven different arcade brawlers in the game, there’s plenty to love if you’re just looking for a relaxing night of solo games. But bring a few friends into the fold, and you’ve got the makings of a solid game night.

Review by Gamers' Temple
15 ottobre 2018

Capcom Beat'em Up Bundle is definitely a collection to pick up if you're into the niche genre of beat'em up. It's so awesome to finally have the ability to play these games online with other players and relive the arcade days. Now, if only we could find some way for Capcom to pick back up the rights to Alien vs Predator and maybe... Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, hmmm...

Review by
1 ottobre 2018

While I am a fan of retro collections, this one is rather disappointing. The games itself are chosen well, but they also show with little to none mechanical progress over the years, why this genre is more or less extinct. And there is hardly enough bonus material to keep you happy, either.

Review by ZTGD
25 settembre 2018

It is impossible not to recommend Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle. There is so much joy packed in this compilation. The genre has definitely seen a resurgence as of late, but it is impossible to deny how good these classics are. If only Capcom had been able to figure out the licenses behind some of their more popular titles like Alien vs. Predator. Perhaps in the future, but for now this is the best place to perform jump kicks anywhere.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 18 settembre 2018
Editore Capcom
Valutazioni Totali 83%
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer, Cooperativa
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista laterale
Generi Arcade, Combattere, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Temi Azione
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch