Black The Fall


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Black The Fall è un atmosferico sparatutto a scorrimento laterale con elementi di puzzle solving.

Uno strano e inaspettato sogno in bianco e nero ispirato a un'infanzia passata dietro la cortina di ferro.

Scopri un mondo industrializzato e perduto che vive all'ombra dello stato totalitario. Tutti devono essere considerati come un potenziale nemico, un informatore, un criminale. Amnesico e ignaro delle circostanze che ti hanno portato in questo luogo, inizi il tuo viaggio che dovrebbe rivelare il mistero. Muovendovi attraverso un mondo particolare dovrete uccidere per sopravvivere, per risolvere diversi enigmi e per imparare quando essere coraggiosi e quando nascondersi.

Una versione early-access del gioco è stata rilasciata su Steam nel giugno del 2014, così come la campagna attraverso Kickstarter nello stesso anno.


Dopo decenni di fatica, un vecchio macchinista trama la sua fuga dal comunismo, attraverso la manipolazione e l'intrallazzo. Lungo la strada, fa amicizia con la creatura più improbabile, un robot abbandonato. Potranno risolvere gli enigmi e fuggire insieme da questo mondo desolato?

Black The Fall Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Black The Fall Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by SenorKoquonfaes [user]
16 febbraio 2020

Full disclosure, I genuinely dislike talking about political themes in games. It's not something I'm particularly well-versed in and suchFull disclosure, I genuinely dislike talking about political themes in games. It's not something I'm particularly well-versed in and such discussions can result in a lot of **** from multiple parties. In my experience, a lot of political agendas in games come off as heavily contrived and are often met player backlash as a result. With Black The Fall, however, I sort of have to get into the politics of the game since it plays a big part in it's striking theme.The game is an indie, puzzle platformer game that's set during the oppressive Communist regime in Romania. Further research turned up that the face of Romania's communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu is displayed on giant TV's throughout the game and you can even find a subtle outline of the country in the main menu, just off to the bottom right of the bike. The game supposedly draws a lot of references to Romania's dark past and provides an interesting "what if" scenario regarding the Communist regime not being overthrown in 1989: the end of Nicolae Ceausescu's term as Communist leader.The core gameplay loop revolves around using stealth and puzzle solving solutions to navigate through factory floors, secret passage ways, an abandoned wasteland, a prison complex and ultimately escape. Throughout the game, you'll experience just how far an oppressive regime will to squash any dissenters and maintain order as NPCs are forced fed propaganda and are worked to the point of exhaustion and sickness.I felt that the games graphics were well done. The dark, imposing atmosphere that covers every colour on the grey spectrum do a great job of creating this drab and dreary environment that you want to escape from and never look back. The game also leverages the colour red to indicate security measures, which presents a threat to the player. Funny enough that the colour red has also been associated with Communism (the infamous "Hammer & Sickle").The game's runtime on a single play through is about 3 hours with very little replay value. Despite the shorter run time, the game still tells a pretty compelling story about refusing to no longer be a cog in an oppressive regime and plotting an escape. The game has a pretty demoralizing ending, considering everything the player has to go through to get to the end.

Review by savvym [user]
16 giugno 2019

What story?Background. 3/5 ☑There are no speeches only some shouts of guards. But the background atmosphere is supposed to inject youWhat story?Background. 3/5 ☑There are no speeches only some shouts of guards. But the background atmosphere is supposed to inject you with feelings of oppression by Communist regime. There are in between parts which show you the world. They are called chapters and you get a checkpoint after each puzzle solved.Game play?Good. 4/5 ☑It is rather relaxing puzzler where you solve puzzles and use reflexes to jump around or time your escape under the lights of enemies. You continuously get to understand your controls and how to get past guards. Some puzzles are repeating themselves with slight variations inside the environment. Mostly, you need to be attentive to the signs giving you clues.Re playability?Acceptable. 2/5 ☑I have got 36% achievements in 1st walk through, though it seemed very linear to me, surprised that I did not unlock 100%. There were machine buttons that did not move a thing when pressed. There are probably some collectibles or hidden rooms I am not aware of.Graphics?Good. 4/5 ☑Art style is great, light effects too, there is some music here and there, but most sounds are coming from the machines around you. It is 2.5D side-scroller and you will turn to the sides when moving around.Hardware requirements?Low range. ☑ It ran smooth on my GTX 1060 and i7- 8700 with above 150 FPS.How difficult?Normal. ☑You should get through by trial and error, watch the reactions of guards and environment changes. Lights and sounds also play their roles to trick player. There are only few controls, walk, crouch, jump, fall, use, aim and command. Exhaust them all, look around your chapter, your options are limited.How long?less than 2 hours. ☑ The fastest you can get through is little over 1 hour.2-9 hours. ☑ I finished it in 3 hours.I am giving Black the Fall 7/10. It is short and linear puzzler, not very frustrating if at all, atmosphere is kind of a background story.

Review by NightGeisha [user]
2 gennaio 2019

Black The Fall is an extremely interesting and rewarding game to play. With a very symbolic story, Black tells a dark, cold, hard story of anBlack The Fall is an extremely interesting and rewarding game to play. With a very symbolic story, Black tells a dark, cold, hard story of an escape from communism in a brilliant, wordless narrative way.Graphically stylized with a very particular style, the game demonstrates well the artistic treatment, acclaimed by the critics. The soundtrack is intense and immersive.Mechanically the game is very simple, but with challenging and elaborate jigsaw puzzles.I think for this game using a controller will be a huge plus, but I did not have any issues playing it with a keyboard.Black is a very nice "outside of the box" game, that I honestly enjoy every moment.

Review by CD-Action
30 ottobre 2017

Black The Fall bought me with its brilliant atmosphere of hopelessness that even Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four would not be ashamed of.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
29 settembre 2017

An attempt to escape from the Communist prison in Black the Fall has a plenty of strong moments and great environment design. It´s a pity, there is only a short campaign and many technical issues.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 11 luglio 2017
Editore Square Enix, Sand Sailor Studio, Sand Sailor Studio
Contenuto recensito T (Teen)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista laterale
Generi Avventura, Indie, Piattaforma, Puzzle
Temi Azione, Horror, Fantascienza, Storico, Stealth
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch