Before the Echo

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Before the Echo combina elementi di giochi ritmici e di ruolo per creare un'esperienza del tutto unica.

Before the Echo Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Before the Echo Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by RageRuner [user]
1 giugno 2020

This is a good gameBut it's not perfectLets start with its glaring issues, first of all, the grinding. While I don't have a problem withThis is a good gameBut it's not perfectLets start with its glaring issues, first of all, the grinding. While I don't have a problem with the crafting system which is xp for items, its fine, my problem is, items have CHANCES to drop, meaning you might have to do the same fight 10 times before you get the item you need. Second, the lack of music is kind of annoying for a rhythm game, and since you have to do the same fight over and over, and that really is a HUGE problem.What's good is its story, which, is basic, sure, but its good basic. The mechanics are good too, the spells are all unique, well, their casting is, the attacks are upgraded versions of others. The conversations and such are fun to read, but the 'twist' is very obvious. The difficulties do their job, and being able to play the map of the mana pool as a bonus is pretty cool too, but you can't change difficulties after floor 3. Overall, It's good even if I had less good than bad to say, it is overall a very interesting game. But in honesty I'm probably being bias because I like grindy rpgs.

Review by extracrispy [user]
21 gennaio 2013

The music is bland save a few tracks and it becomes very repetitive. There is too much of a grind for items and with this silly "spend xp andThe music is bland save a few tracks and it becomes very repetitive. There is too much of a grind for items and with this silly "spend xp and have a chance to fail at crafting and learning scrolls" thing just adds more grinding. The story is also lame.

Review by RPG Fan
19 giugno 2012

It's a fun game with some great mechanics and intriguing ideas going for it. If there was reduced experience gambling, less incessant grinding and a few additional songs, it could have been a far superior game.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
27 febbraio 2012

If you are not afraid of rhythmic games Sequence should definitely find the way to your screen. You get interesting musical title spiced with RPG elements.

Review by Game Over Online
7 febbraio 2012

Overall, I was mildly entertained by Sequence, with its good points making up for the repetition, and leaving a bit little left over. Sequence only costs $5 (from Steam or Xbox Live), and it might take you up to 15 hours to complete, so along with it being odd and unique, it's also a pretty good deal. So if you have dexterous fingers and a weekend that you don't know what to do with, then there are certainly worse ways that you could spend your time.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 20 ottobre 2011
Editore Iridium Studios
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Generi Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie, Musica
Temi Commedia
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac