
Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


ATOMINE è un twin stick procedural shooter rogue-lite ambientato in un mondo virtuale dal design minimalista, in cui il giocatore racconta sullo schermo gli eventi reali di STUXNET, la prima arma mai creata sotto forma di virus informatico. In ogni run il giocatore deve liberare l'area del livello da tutti i nemici per sbloccare il portale per il livello successivo. Durante la corsa, ogni nemico ucciso lascerà sul terreno XP, energia e/o moduli di armi.


Nel 2011, Sergey Ulasen ha scoperto STUXNET, un worm informatico dannoso, inizialmente diffuso tramite Microsoft Windows, che prendeva di mira i sistemi di controllo industriale Siemens, definito come una minaccia dormiente, in attesa di un trigger per avviare la sua attivazione. STUXNET è il primo malware scoperto che spia e sovverte i sistemi industriali e il primo a includere un rootkit per controllori logici programmabili (PLC). Il worm è stato scoperto infettando soprattutto centrali nucleari e sistemi di trivellazione petrolifera. ATOMINE, come STUXNET, è un virus che ha bisogno di rafforzarsi per raggiungere e infine infettare e compilare il codice sorgente del bersaglio. La voce elettronica in sottofondo e i numerosi elementi sullo schermo indicano al giocatore qual è l'obiettivo della corsa.

Atomine Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Atomine Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by TheXboxHub

If top down twin-stick shooters are your kind of thing, then ATOMINE has everything you’re likely to be looking for. It has fast paced action, upgrades, procedurally generated stages and one hell of a challenge that truly shouldn’t be underestimated. Sure, it’s a bit bland after a while, but with the gameplay proving so fluid, this is easily a game that can be enjoyed on a quiet afternoon, even if it is just for an hour or so.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]

The twin-stick shooter genre seems to have a couple of new releases each week and whilst I enjoy this particular genre I can’t help feelingThe twin-stick shooter genre seems to have a couple of new releases each week and whilst I enjoy this particular genre I can’t help feeling that the genre is a little too swamped. That being said I still try and play each new different release that comes out in the genre and the new game that’s made its way to the Xbox One this week is called ATOMINE. I must admit that I did enjoy my time with the game and whilst it’s not the best twin-stick shooter I’ve ever played before the game still gets more things right than it gets wrong. Sometimes twin-stick shooters can be really frustrating because the difficulty curve can be off the charts at times, but thankfully that’s not the case with this game. For me they’ve got the gameplay spot on here because whilst it may be quite challenging at times it never stops being fun and that’s very important in my opinion. The mechanics which are also another very important aspect in a game of this ilk hold up really well throughout as well and the controls stay smooth and responsive throughout your time with the game. In terms of content the game has a decent amount for you to be getting on with and the addictive nature of the game means you will return back to the game time and time again. You will however have to deal with a few technichal issues though, but thankfully these issues aren’t too problematic and you do end up looking past them quite easily in the end. The main reason why I could easily look past the issues is because everything else is pretty much spot on and fighting bosses never seems to get dull. The combat on the whole is actually pretty fun but a little bit more variety would’ve been a nice addition but this is only a small gripe. In fact my only real gripe with this game is its lack of a tutorial. At the start it’s hard to figure out what you’re meant to do and a small tutorial would’ve stopped the frustration of not knowing what to do quite considerably. I must admit that I wasn’t expecting much from the presentation side of the game but in the end I was pleasantly surprised. Don’t get me wrong it’s not the best looking and sounding game in the world but its minamilist approach in both the visuals and sound design works well and gives the game a little bit of charm, which is great. At the end of the day despite the twin-stick shooter genre being overcrowded I still think ATOMINE does enough to warrant a purchase because even though there are better game’s out there for you to play it gets the most important aspects spot on and delivers with it quite a bit of fun.

Review by SpazioGames

Atomine is a challenging twin-stick shooter with an interesting setup and a well elaborate environment. The roguelike elements are not so well introduced, though.

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 2017-05-04
Editore MixedBag, Broken Arms Games
Contenuto recensito E (Everyone)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Vista dall'alto / Isometrica
Generi Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Shooter, Indie, Arcade
Temi Azione
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch