
Nella più ambiziosa espansione nella storia del franchise, Eivor deve abbracciare il proprio destino come Odino, il dio norreno della battaglia e della saggezza. Scatena nuovi poteri divini mentre ti imbarchi in una ricerca disperata attraverso un mondo mozzafiato. Completa una leggendaria saga vichinga e salva tuo figlio di fronte al destino degli dei.


Brandisci incredibili poteri ultraterreni. Assorbi nuove abilità da coloro che hai sconfitto e usale per uccidere tutti quelli che ti ostacolano. Trasformati in un corvo per compiere assassini spettacolari o resuscita i tuoi nemici sconfitti per combattere al tuo fianco. Trasforma la tua pelle in magma per proteggerti, infondi la tua arma nel ghiaccio per sferrare colpi devastanti e altro ancora.

Di fronte alle visioni di una nuova minaccia, Eivor deve abbracciare il proprio destino come Odino ed entrare nel mitico regno dei nani di Svartalfheim, un mondo bellissimo ma ostile sotto invasione. Dalle fucine sotterranee alle alte vette dorate, immergiti in un nuovo mondo vasto e pericoloso della mitologia norrena mentre abbracci il tuo destino come dio norreno.

Affronta gli Jotnar, nemici di ghiaccio da Jotunheim, e i Muspel, nuovi nemici di fuoco da Muspelheim. Combatti contro una vasta gamma di archetipi di nemici, infiltrati nelle loro roccaforti e brandisci i loro stessi poteri contro di loro mentre diventi più forte. A capo di questo esercito c'è Surtr, un gigante di fuoco inattaccabile e il più grande nemico che Odino abbia mai affrontato.

Nei panni di Odino, intraprendi una ricerca disperata per salvare tuo figlio, Baldr, dalla prigionia per mano di un nemico indicibile. Usa la tua arguzia e astuzia per infiltrarti in un territorio ostile, guadagnare alleati nani e vendicarti dei rapitori di Baldr. Il viaggio di Odino lo costringerà a confrontarsi con il proprio destino contro il destino certo di Ragnarök.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarök Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarök Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by CommodoreCuddlz [user]
20 giugno 2022

Assassin's Creed has always held a special place within my heart, catering to a unique desire for historical fiction / modern science fantasy.Assassin's Creed has always held a special place within my heart, catering to a unique desire for historical fiction / modern science fantasy. It's no secret that the franchise has been riddled with bugs, and despite this every game up until this point had been in my opinion still very enjoyable. The problem I have with Valhalla has nothing to do with the storyline. The game is beautiful. The viking twist, while not a unique concept in itself, is new to the AC series. I really appreciate the addition of an even harder difficulty as I play all RPGs (and I have quite a few under my belt) at the hardest available difficulty. Hot take: The Witcher 2 and AC: Odyssey were both significantly more difficult than Elden Ring in terms of boss fights.The issue I've come to discuss, and the reason for my low rating (the worst AC in my opinion as a result of this bug, and that includes Brotherhood) is the dodge simply not registering. It's not that my dodge stopped working altogether. That probably would have been preferable to my current dilemma. The problem is that the dodge doesn't work *some* of the time. In a boss fight, where every attack is fatal and spamming dodge is out the question due to limited stamina, for roughly 5% of my dodge inputs to simply not register is absolutely out of the question and undeniably game breaking. I'm within the window for the dodge. I literally just played through Elden Ring, finishing it in about 60 hours and doing most of the secret bosses as a reference. I know what I'm talking about when I say the dodge mechanic is actually just inconsistent in Valhalla. 5% might not seem like a lot, but in a boss fight where every attack one taps you and you have to dodge a few dozen times just to get through a potion of the fight, it becomes an RNG fest just to see if you'll make it to the end before the random interval no input received dodge gets you killed. I absolutely hate that this is a thing. The game has been out for some time now, and for this to not have been patched feels like a complete failure on the part of the developers. I refuse to lower the difficulty, so I'll likely spend countless hours trying to slog my way through each boss, dying hundreds of times to a broken mechanic. I like a challenge, so long as it is dependent on my own skill and even a little RNG at times. But this is just disappointing.TL;DR Valhalla is broken because the dodge only works *most* of the time. You'll often be left standing in place like you never pressed the dodge button. You will die a lot if you play on the hardest difficulty solely due to this bug. Valhalla is now my least favorite AC game to date.

Review by GrumpyParrot [user]
11 giugno 2022

It really is beyond me why ANYONE would pay $40 for an expansion to the bloated grindfest AC Valhalla. Especially considering the expansion isIt really is beyond me why ANYONE would pay $40 for an expansion to the bloated grindfest AC Valhalla. Especially considering the expansion is all about grinding too, to justify the asking price, and the fact that Witcher 3 gave you TWO GREAT EXPANSIONS! for the same price as this PoS. Ubisoft really only cares about milking their franchises as much as possible and as fast as possible.

Review by PSX Brasil
7 maggio 2022

Dawn of Ragnarok is the perfect expansion for what the latest trilogy in the Assassin's Creed franchise set out to tell. With a fun new world to explore, new skills and, most importantly, a very well written story that should please longtime fans of the series.

Review by Fabrice82 [user]
19 aprile 2022

Totalement hors sujet, Quid des Assassins, des Templiers et des Précurseurs? Ce DLC ne vaut pas ses 40 Francs (Francs Suisse). Graphiquement,Totalement hors sujet, Quid des Assassins, des Templiers et des Précurseurs? Ce DLC ne vaut pas ses 40 Francs (Francs Suisse). Graphiquement, Histoire, Gameplay, c'est ok, mais totalement à côté de la plaque et ne devrait pas avoir la nomenclature Assassin's Creed.Côté Technique, depuis que j'ai installé le DLC, le jeu ET la console Crash, m'obligeant à tirer la prise de la console (extinction sauvage) et ce n'est pas le seul problème, phrases parlées enchevêtrées, traductions Française aux fraises, on sent que ce "DLC" ou "Add-On" a été produit à la va-vite sans considération pour les fans de la franchise.Même en prix baissé, je n'oserais le conseiller à personne

Review by WellPlayed
7 aprile 2022

With a gorgeous world and story to match, Assasins’s Creed: Dawn Of Ragnarok expands the scope of the original game in a direction that is quite fantastical and is bound to pull you in one last time.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 10 marzo 2022
Editore Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Entertainment
Contenuto recensito M (Mature)
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG)
Temi Azione, Mondo aperto, Storico, Stealth
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia