Arelite Core

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


L'età degli eroi è passata, eppure un antico male risorge. Segui le avventure di Karden, un fabbro sulla via della padronanza del suo mestiere, costretto a prendere posizione contro Talameq, un'entità senza età intenzionata a divorare il mondo. Viaggia attraverso il mondo e trova alleati nella tua lotta contro l'oscurità mentre respingi i discepoli di Talameq. Arelite Core colma il divario tra i JRPG tradizionali e quelli moderni, apportando nuovi concetti a design collaudati e presentati con una grafica ad alta definizione di ispirazione retrò.


Arelite Core segue le avventure di Karden, un mastro fabbro del villaggio di Arreal che parte all'avventura per perfezionare la sua arte. Ben presto incontra il cavaliere oscuro Barahein e un complotto per far rivivere l'entità oscura Talameq, distrutta secoli prima. Ora, Karden e i suoi amici devono andare avanti per fermare questo complotto prima che sia troppo tardi.

Arelite Core Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Arelite Core Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Indiescape [user]
10 giugno 2017

Arelite Core is a beautiful RPG mixed with rich gameplay to make this one of the most enjoyable experiences in a while. At first, I was aArelite Core is a beautiful RPG mixed with rich gameplay to make this one of the most enjoyable experiences in a while. At first, I was a little skeptical because this was a project from a first-time developer and I think he hit spot on with this masterful game. I think more people should try this game and it deserves to be in your games collection.

Review by RPGamer
15 maggio 2017

I wanted to give Arelite Core a chance, and found little things to admire even while the package as a whole was a disappointment. It's pretty hard to forgive a game in which beating the final boss is greeted by an immediate unknown error that crashes the whole shebang though. I'm hopeful Dragon Slumber will be able to move on to better things in the future, because this isn't a very good advertisement of whatever talents it possesses.

Review by Hooked Gamers
4 maggio 2017

Arelite Core is obviously born out of a great love of 16bit JRPGs and a lot of heart has gone into its creation. The first thing budding game designers are taught, however, is to imagine a game they’d love to play but doesn’t exist and think about reasons why that game doesn’t exist. This sets them up to design games that no one has played and to attack as yet unsolved challenges. I feel like I’ve played Arelite Core before. I feel like I’ve played myriad versions of Arelite Core before. Therefore, although I can appreciate the love and effort that went into creating it, I cannot recommend that you pick it up over the fantastic classics of the 16bit era already available on various platforms.

Review by COGconnected
24 febbraio 2017

I know it isn’t fair to judge a game by what isn’t there, but I was really hoping for a deeper crafting system. Arelite Core’s aesthetic didn’t hit the mark for me, but if you like what you see and hear, check it out. Flaws aside, there’s a heart to this game.

Review by GamingTrend
8 febbraio 2017

A love letter to the 16-bit era, Arelite Core is a great indie addition to the JRPG library. With its excellent battle system and colorful cast of characters, this game is a great trip down memory lane.

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 8 febbraio 2017
Editore Dragon Slumber
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Terza persona
Generi Gioco di ruolo (RPG), Indie
Temi Fantasia
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows)