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ArcheAge è un MMORPG fantasy epico privo di percorsi predefiniti e di progressione. Potete scegliere liberamente il vostro percorso e giocare dai continenti iniziali di Haranya e Nuia fino alle coste perdute di Auroria, il luogo di nascita della magia. Potete brandire incredibili poteri tratti da 120 combinazioni di classi uniche, padroneggiare oltre 20 vocazioni artigianali, costruire case e manieri nel mondo aperto, coltivare, commerciare, stringere alleanze e distruggere tutti coloro che vi ostacolano. Oppure potete voltare le spalle a tutto questo e vivere come un pirata, saccheggiando i mercanti e saccheggiando l'alto mare in cerca di bottino e oro.


L'attuale mondo di ArcheAge è, in breve, il risultato di una spedizione di dodici membri di razze diverse che hanno cercato di esplorare la fonte della magia nel loro mondo. Questo evento ha fatto sì che molti di loro acquisissero poteri simili a quelli di un dio e diventassero eroi, mentre altri si trasformassero in divinità. Le relazioni personali tra i membri e i loro conflitti hanno portato alla caduta del loro continente natale, Auroria, e all'insediamento negli altri due continenti, Nuia e Haranya. Le ostilità tra questi due continenti e le loro fazioni sono rimaste fino ad oggi.

ArcheAge Istruzioni per l'attivazione

ArcheAge Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by Ysa [user]
26 maggio 2015

Have you read any of the other player (the only ones that count) reviews? Awesome, because they were all absolutely correct and i wont need toHave you read any of the other player (the only ones that count) reviews? Awesome, because they were all absolutely correct and i wont need to repeat a review about the myriad and epic failures of this p2w title. Have played MMOs for over 15 years, and am finding myself less and less loving to play them, but this one takes the cake. Archeage + f2p+p2w = hordes of execrable PoS players,creating an environment so repellent i'd have a nicer time in prison, and this is on top of the other negatives. If you value the joy, laughter, friendship and sense of accomplishment derived through playing with other gamers online, this game isnt for you.

Review by CD-Action
13 dicembre 2014

Don’t let your judgment be clouded by other people’s opinions influenced by terrible server problems they encountered when ArcheAge was launched. It’s a really good, beautiful game.

Review by Simongren [user]
1 dicembre 2014

Read a review of this in a Gaming magazine and decided to try it out based on that review.I like the look of the characters, I like theRead a review of this in a Gaming magazine and decided to try it out based on that review.I like the look of the characters, I like the look of the game. That's why it gets a three.But; in the zone I started in, there are huge numbers of high lvl players fighting right next to three of the npcs needed for the starting quests. In a starting city area, mind you. The one time I was able to overcome the lag enough to target anything in the mob it said I had targeted a 'lvl40 practice dummy'.What this meant was after the 4 minute process of logging into the game I had to wait another 3 to 10 minutes for actual npc characters to load. Some of them became targetable before they appeared, but others didn't.Any quest involving a cutscene in the towns just kicks you out of the game due to the serious amount of lag. Once you get past the 4 minute login again, there is a better chance you will get to see the cutscene again.Of course, all this is moot anyway, since the game has been down for server maintenance for the last 16 hours.All in all, it's not something I see spending money on.

Review by cresoking [user]
20 novembre 2014

You may realize it sooner or later (I did only after 2 months of playing) that this game is a maze meant for you to stay at the same placeYou may realize it sooner or later (I did only after 2 months of playing) that this game is a maze meant for you to stay at the same place forever. No progression at all at the end-game due to the worst RNG possible.You can only progress if you toss A LOT OF MONEY at it. And i'm saying something like +10.000,00 dollars (I just did the math).Someday you will see that doing trade-runs and farming gold is not fun, and the gold you make doesn't allows you to do nothing at all.Don't fall for this cash-grab game.

Review by Gaming Nexus
18 novembre 2014

ArcheAge is one of the best free-to-play games to be released this year, with a near endless amount of content awaiting eager adventurers.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 15 gennaio 2013
Editore Tencent Games, Mail.Ru, Kakao Games, Trion Worlds, XLGAMES
Valutazioni Totali 85%
Contenuto recensito M (Mature)
Modalità di gioco Multiplayer, Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)
Prospettive dei giocatori Prima persona, Terza persona
Generi Avventura, Gioco di ruolo (RPG)
Temi Mondo aperto, Fantasia, Sandbox
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows)