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Vieni a esplorare il mondo di Phiohm, dove l'alto può essere il basso, la sinistra può essere la destra e la strada da seguire non è mai quella che sembra. Guida il neo-cognitivo Ano in un viaggio alla scoperta di se stesso, imparando a manipolare questo mondo in continua evoluzione.

Anomaly 1729 Istruzioni per l'attivazione

Anomaly 1729 Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by GameCritics
28 luglio 2016

While I can imagine how Portal may have inspired the team to expand on its concept, in the end, all I wanted to do was play more Portal.

Review by Critical Hit
7 luglio 2016

Anomaly 1729 doesn’t feel like a game that wants to be the next Portal, it feels like a game that trying to fool you into thinking it’s the next Portal. It never gives the impression that the developers were trying for something great and failed, rather it feels like they’re trying to trick customers to make a quick buck.

Review by Brash Games
25 marzo 2016

Anomaly 1729 clearly had real talent and effort put into it. There is a really solid piece for the puzzle genre here. Some of the ideas, like the paced decoding of the language, are downright brilliant. The problem is that the level of technical polish is dismally low, and while none of that is really deal-breaking, the amount of sharp edges is rather trying for a 15$ game.

Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 30 dicembre 2015
Editore Black Shell Media
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Generi Avventura, Indie
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows)