The Masterplan

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The Masterplan is een tactisch teamspel waarin je bankovervallen en andere overvallen plant en uitvoert. Het 2D bovenaanzicht geeft je een geweldig overzicht van wat er op elk moment gebeurt, waardoor je een echt crimineel meesterbrein kunt zijn.

Het spel speelt zich af in 1971, een verhaal geschreven door Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper), handgetekende graphics en de soundtrack opgenomen door echte muzikanten met echte instrumenten die de unieke sfeer van een jaren 70 misdaadfilm oproepen.

The Masterplan Istruzioni per l'attivazione

The Masterplan Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by 2john [user]
6 november 2015

The Masterplan is a fun but difficult take on the heist genre. It puts players into control of a small group of crooks (1-4 people), the goalThe Masterplan is a fun but difficult take on the heist genre. It puts players into control of a small group of crooks (1-4 people), the goal being to complete tasks each mission such as... stealing money, snagging memos (unlocking more levels) and taking fliers (unlocking more guns and gadgets). The beginning of the game is very simple and only gets more complex as you go on. If I had to compare it to any other game I would say its a mix between doorkickers and payday.The Masterplan has a great hostage system as well, allowing players to control and order hostages as long as they have a gun trained on them. These orders can be just about anything you can do with your own goons, this can be very helpful in situations were you need a helping hand to smash a cash register or to knock some one out.The game also has a decent detection and stealth system, using a basic cone of vision like most stealth games. When a guard spots you a red meter will fill up, when it does they will come after their target wielding batons. Civilians and camera monitors do the same except instead of attacking they will run to a phone to call in the police (who have guns).The tasks each mission usually revolve around stealing money, which is done by taking it from vaults, safes and people. Safes will need a drill to get into, Vaults need a key and people need to be taken hostage. Other objectives can include stealing drugs, useless items and jewelry which will in turn instantly give money. Along with money you can also find memos and fliers, for more guns, gadgets and levels.Although this game does bring a lot to the table i cant fully recommend it, because of the dreadful bugs . It may seem like a good game but when it comes down to it, the bugs are terrible. So far for me, the opening mission cant go 20 seconds without blurring the screen with random text in mixed German and English. Thankfully the first mission is skipped if the game is exited and reopened. The second mission, which is mandatory is also very buggy, the game is supposed to give you a pistol and some bullets which of course it doesn't. The next mission does the same thing...Bugs like this can ruin a game, and for new players it does. Especially with major bugs that start within the first three missions. Until these types of bugs are gone I would say to only buy the game on sale.

Review by Riot Pixels
8 oktober 2015

Announce as many cool things as possible, then, while everyone is distracted by flashy trailers, swap the actual game with a hardly playable dummy. Looks like The Masterplan itself is a con.

Review by Pelit (Finland)
1 september 2015

Despite shortcomings in controls and level design, the core gameplay and the smooth presentation are strong enough to make The Masterplan an entertaining, if flawed heist simulator.

Review by
8 juli 2015

The Masterplan cries the tears of its wasted potential. When it is working as supposed, it is a pleasure to play. But unfortunately it does not happen often enough.

Review by
22 juni 2015

The Masterplan is based on an interesting concept and is only held back by no particular effort put into creating interesting or diverse gameplay mechanics. Nevertheless, it remains quite an enjoyable game, as long as you are not expecting more than it can deliver.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 4 juni 2015
Editore Shark Punch
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Generi Indie, Strategia
Temi Azione
Piattaforme Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac