The Signifier


The Signifier: Director's Cut

Conosci qualcuno a cui potrebbe piacere questo gioco?


The Signifier è un'avventura mystery tech-noir guidata da una storia. Esplora il mondo reale ed entra nei regni inconsci della mente della vittima. Usa la tecnologia per trovare indizi per risolvere enigmi, svelare strati di dialogo e trovare la verità.


Quando la vicepresidente della più grande azienda tecnologica del mondo viene trovata morta nel suo appartamento, ti viene chiesto di indagare sui suoi ultimi ricordi per scoprire cosa è successo veramente...
Tu sei Frederick Russell, un esperto di IA e psicologia, e il principale ricercatore di uno scanner cerebrale profondo sperimentale chiamato Dreamwalker. La sua controversa tecnologia permette l'esplorazione dei sensi registrati e dei regni inconsci della mente.
In un mondo sull'orlo di una rivoluzione dell'IA, navigherai attraverso il mondo profondo e surreale della psicologia umana e imparerai dalla sua oscurità.
Sfiderete il linguaggio astratto dell'inconscio dove tutto può essere interpretato.
The Signifier è un'avventura tech-noir mystery in prima persona con una narrazione a più livelli che si snoda in una complessa rete di intrighi del mondo reale e suspense surreale...

Puoi trovare la verità... in un mondo soggettivo?

The Signifier Istruzioni per l'attivazione

The Signifier Recensioni e valutazioni

Review by majakk [user]
1 luglio 2021

The Signifier is perhaps one of the first truly innovative games in the adventure / crime / thriller / cultism / sci-fi / (mild) horror genreThe Signifier is perhaps one of the first truly innovative games in the adventure / crime / thriller / cultism / sci-fi / (mild) horror genre with a completely unique experience and story. What it does exceptionally well is using AI in a way that makes it believable both in terms of AI-generated content and narrative. Want to dig through someone's thoughts and dreams? As a contracted private investigator? Yes, this is exactly how I would imagine an AI to interpret complex brain signals in order to make visuals and the absurdities that would follow. Horrors, fear and voyeurism combined with a narrative that spurs empathic feelings makes a great base for understanding other people in general. The game lets you explore this through different dimensions - each voicing different perspectives - you the player, targets objective and finally the targets subjective. All in all it is a solid 8hour adventure and right now a complete steal at Steam.The negatives:* Sometimes it was difficult to progress and know what to do with the keys aka "raw data"* A few immersion killing invisible walls This game is a small-studio produced marvel and deserves way more appreciation than what it has received so far. All I want now is a sequel.

Review by bancandrei [user]
10 gennaio 2021

Difficult to rate since it starts off great, solid 10, but then it becomes less and less beautiful and interesting. The central mystery is notDifficult to rate since it starts off great, solid 10, but then it becomes less and less beautiful and interesting. The central mystery is not really resolved and the memories it chooses to showcase have little bearing on the SF story. The ending is also quite abrupt and unsatisfying, framing the whole experience like an unnecessary prequel to SOMA.

Review by Noisy Pixel
3 novembre 2020

The Signifier is visually creative and quite a remarkable experience that ropes you into its mystery and keeps you guessing long past its rushed ending. It uses visual creativity that comes with the very concept of memory and dream exploration and creates some unique puzzles. While at times it came off as disorienting, those moments were in the minority and still kept me wanting more, flaws and all. Consider checking out this game the next time you’re looking for a mystery.

Review by The Digital Fix
22 ottobre 2020

The Signifier is an intriguing and enjoyable narrative-driven game that benefits from proper pacing and discovery mixed with a very interesting setting and environments.

Review by Softpedia
22 ottobre 2020

The Signifier has all the conceptual elements required to deliver a great experience. The world intrigues and engages, the personal relationships have potential, the brain scanning idea opens up a lot of gameplay possibilities. The game never quite reaches that potential but it’s still great to see such solid foundations for an indie title. Gamers who love immersion and emotional experiences should dive deep into the memories and dreams The Signifier offers, even if the gameplay is a little limited and the ending fails to live up to the initial excitement. And I truly hope that a sequel or a spin-off is in development to take advantage of all the solid groundwork that the developers created.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Data di uscita 15 ottobre 2020
Editore Raw Fury, Playmestudio
Modalità di gioco Giocatore singolo
Prospettive dei giocatori Prima persona
Generi Avventura, Indie, Puzzle
Temi Horror, Fantascienza, Thriller, Mistero
Piattaforme PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac